I Love My Own Farm Too
I had a cow, a cow, the cow gave milk to me
I fed my little cow under an ivy tree
With my cow moo-ee, moo-ee, I love her good and true
Everyone loves his farm, I love my own farm, too.
I had a goat, a goat, the goat gave milk to me
I fed my little goat under an ivy tree
With my goat megully, megully,
My cow moo-ee, moo-ee, I love them good and true
Everyone loves his farm, I love my own farm, too.
I had a hen, a hen, the hen laid eggs for me
I fed my little hen under an ivy tree
With my hen tucady, tucady, my goat megully, megully,
My cow moo-ee, moo-ee, I love them good and true
Everyone loves his farm, I love my own farm, too.
I had a duck, a duck, the duck laid eggs for me
I fed my little duck under an ivy tree
With my duck quack-ee, quack-ee, my hen tucady, tucady
My goat megully, megully,
My cow moo-ee, moo-ee, I love them good and true
Everyone loves his farm, I love my own farm, too.
I had a sheep, a sheep, the sheep gave wool to me
I fed my little sheep under an ivy tree
With my sheep baa-ee, baa-ee, my duck quack-ee, quack-ee
My hen tucady, tucady, my goat megully, megully,
My cow moo-ee, moo-ee, I love them good and true
Everyone loves his farm, I love my own farm, too.
other options: horse (gave rides to me)
pig (gave ham to me)
goose (laid eggs for me)
bull (he pulled the cart for me)