Eileanóir a Rún
Mo ghrá thú, den chéad fhéachaint, Eileanóir a Rún
[Muh ghraw hoo, gun kheyd ekhaint, Ileenor uh roon]
From the moment I saw you I loved you, Eileanóir my love
Is ort a bhím ag smaoineadh, tráth a mbím i mo shuan
[Iss ort a veem e smweenyoo, traw meem ih mo hoon]
It is of you I think when I’m resting
A ghrá den tsaol, is a chéad searc, is tú is deise ná ban Éireann.
[Uh ghraw gun teel, see kheyd shark, stu is dyeh-shuh naw ban erin.]
O love of life and my first love, you are fairer than all the women of Ireland.
A bhruinnilín deas óg, is tú is deise milse póig
[Uh vrinyileen dyass og, stu is dyeh-shuh meelshuh pog]
O young fair maiden you have the nicest and sweetest kiss
Chuns a mhairfead beo beidh gean agam ort
[Khuns a warid a byo bey gyan um ort]
As long as I live my affection will be for you
Mar is deas mar a sheolfainn gamhnaí leat, Eileanóir a Rún.
[Mar iss dyass mar ee hyolinn, gow-nee latt, Ileenor uh roon.]
For I’d gladly drive the calves with you, Eileanóir my love.
Bhí bua aici go dtóigfeadh sí an corp fuar ón mbás
[Svee bua akee guh dogud she, un corp fuar on mawss]
She had a gift that she could revive the cold corpse from death
Ba milse blas a póigín ná an chuachín roimh an lá
[Ba meelshuh blas a pogeen, nawn khua-kheen riv un law]
The taste of her little kiss was sweeter than the cuckoo at dawn
Bhí bua eile aici nach ndéarfad, ’sí grá mo chroí, mo chéad searc.
[Vee bua ell yakee nakhan nyairad, shee graw mo khree, mo khayd shark.]
She had another gift I’ll not mention, she is the love of my heart, my first love.