T-patience pic

T-patience pic

Patience is not something easily found. The desire is to understand how patience can affect the ambition to pursue goals. During this single Spring quarter of field study in the program, As Poetry Recycles Neurons, the student will incorporate how the program creates a series of guides through the words of various poets and neuroscientists to illuminate a more tactile handle on life’s endeavors. Practices of seminar passes and peer reviews will continue in Monday and Tuesday sessions. During this time of study, the student will enter the realm of consciousness and dig for the origins of patience by reading some poetry and neurological-scientific articles based on patience. This study will be a branch from a tree developed in the program’s Winter quarter called T is for Therapeutic Child Crafts that involved sharing the craft of origami with others which requires patient practice itself. In a culture moving so fast, patience is not readily obtainable in some cases for some people. It is will optimism and real time journaling of life activities with others that I, the student, will try to reach and obtain the element of patience so necessary in human development to next have the persistence to create a well-constructed sturdy path to walk upon in life.

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