Shakespeare, Body & Soul

TESC spring quarter 2004, Mondays & Wednesdays 6 to 9:30 p.m.PLUS theatre field trip Sunday April 25th
8 quarter hour credits; Class meets in Seminar II bldg. Room E1105

Faculty: Marla Beth Elliott


class schedule


book & video list

theatre field trip info

portfolio requirements

writing assignments

performance assignments

faculty contact info

text analysis tools



Required Reading (all but Lanier available in TESC bookstore):

Shakespeare, William: Henry V, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice, Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece, and collected sonnets.

Lanier, Douglas. Shakespeare in Modern Popular Culture. Oxford University Press, 2002 (we will read only a 20-page excerpt that will be handed out in class)

Linklater, Kristin. Freeing Shakespeare's Voice. Theater Communications Group, 1992.

Sinclair, Pete. A Story About Getting A Story About Stories With The Help Of Diverse Other Stories.

Tillyard, E.M.W. The Elizabethan World Picture.

Wells, Stanley, ed. Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Oxford Press, 2003


Required Watching (all on open reserve in the TESC library):

Henry V , 1989. Directed by and starring Kenneth Branaugh; 137 minutes long.

Playing Shakespeare. Hosted by John Barton, this BBC video series of master classes with the Royal Shakespeare Company contains 10 episodes; we will watch 3 in class. All will be on reserve at TESC library. Each episode is about 50 minutes long.

Merchant of Venice, 1973; directed by John Sichel. Starring Laurence Olivier as Shylock and Joan Plowright as Portia. 131 minutes long.