Membership Policy:
Requirements for full credit:
To receive full credit, a student must have excellent attendance, conscientiously
study and learn his or her parts, and fully participate in all class activities
including all rehearsals and performances. More than two absences may
result in loss of credit. Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside
regular class time is heavily weighted in awarded credit. We really mean
it. Be there. Self-evaluations and faculty evaluations are strongly encouraged
but not required.
Non-Student Membership Policy:
TESC Faculty and staff only are invited to join The Evergreen Singers
without enrolling. Such participants must fulfill the requirements for
full credit. They must also complete the "Non-Student Fee Form"
and submit it to the TESC Cashier's office with the quarterly fee. Please
give a copy of your receipt for the fee to Marla by the third week of
the quarter.
Those who are not part of the Evergreen
community and are not seeking academic credit are invited to register
through Extended Education (EE) as space permits. Five spaces are reserved
each quarter for EE registrants.