Catalog: Fall 2007 - Spring 2008

2007-08 Catalog: B

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Basic Botany: Plants and People

Spring quarter

Faculty: Frederica Bowcutt (botany)

Major areas of study include introductory plant science, economic botany, field botany, expository writing and independent research in botany.

Class Standing: This Core program is designed for freshmen.

Basic Botany: Plants and People is an introductory program in plant science. Our focus will be on developing an understanding of both the natural and cultural dimensions of the kingdom Plantae. We will attempt to address the following questions: How does present form and function inform us about the evolution of various groups of plants? How does the form and function of plants shape animal/plant interactions? People use plants to build houses and to make baskets, furniture and a variety of other material objects. Globally most food and medicines are derived from plants. Why do people use the plants they do? What meaning do people give to plants?

We will work through a botany textbook learning about plant anatomy, morphology, systematics and ecology. Lectures based on the textbook readings will be supplemented with laboratory work. Students will get hands-on experience studying plants under microscopes and in the field. Seminar readings will be on the general theme of plants and people. Readings and films will cover such topics as horticulture, agriculture and ethnobotany including herbology and basket making. In addition, we will explore the religious, folkloric, mythological and historical meanings given to plants. Students will learn library research methods and complete a research project, of their choosing, related to plants and people. Time will be spent helping students improve their ability to write a research paper that is thesis driven and supported with evidence from the scientific literature. Students will also learn basic plant identification of common species. To support their work in the field, students will learn how to maintain a detailed and illustrated field journal.

Total: 16 credits.

Enrollment: 23

Internship Possibilities: With faculty approval.

Special Expenses: $200 for field trip.

Program is preparatory for careers and future studies in conservation, ecological agriculture, ecological restoration, forestry, herbology, natural resource management, plant ecology, or plant taxonomy.


Beginning the Journey: First-Year Student Success Program

Fall quarter

Faculty: Jin Darney, Eddie Maiava, Rudy Martin, Norma Alicia Pino, Christine Wagner,and Sonja Wiedenhaupt

Class Standing: Freshmen.

This program/course has been designed to provide incoming first-year students with an introduction to the resources, tools and practical skills you will need to do college-level work. Beginning the Journey will also help you to establish important connections within the College, as well as recognize and improve the skills you will need to become a successful college student and engaged community member.

The course begins on Monday, September 17 and will meet daily through September 21 (Orientation Week). You will also meet for workshops, discussions, or other scheduled activities for two hours per week during the first five weeks of Fall Quarter.

Beginning the Journey will include a common reading component. This book will be selected soon. We will either send your complimentary copy or make arrangements for you to receive it by late July. You will also receive a Reader's Guide and related information about how we will use this text. As a participant in this program and part of its learning community, you are asked to read this book before arriving on campus in September. We are confident that you will find it an engaging, informative, evocative part of this program and your learning experience at Evergreen. NOTE: You should also register for a full-time (16-credit) academic program. This 2-credit program would be an addition to your full-time program, but at no extra cost if you register for 10 - 18 credits. See the Programs for Freshman page.

The Course Reference Number (CRN) for this program is 10251. If you need an accommodation during Orientation Week, contact Access Services for Students with Disabilities (360) 867.6348, or via TTY (360) 867.6834.

Total: 2 credits.

Enrollment: 150

A similar program is expected to be offered in: Fall 2008

Program Updates
This is a new program for freshmen only.
05.09.2007: The faculty members teaching the program changed. Amy Cook will not be teaching.


Beyond Words


Spring quarter

Faculty: Lisa Sweet (visual arts), doranne crable (performance studies)

Major areas of study include drawing, movement, Butoh, art history, dance, anthropology and writing.

Class Standing: This all-level program accepts up to 25 percent freshmen.

The human figure is dynamic and expressive—its gestures in performance, drawings and sculpture speak volumes without utilizing words. Indeed, the belief that art "expresses the inexpressible" hinges on the idea of art's capacity for transcending common language and text to speak to the heart, mind and soul in another, more complex and focused language.

In Beyond Words, we will explore the body's expressive capacity through movement and life drawing. Our focus will be the gesture. One may think of simple gestures absent-mindedly used to communicate on a daily basis: the hailing of a bus, waving at a passing acquaintance, a facial expression of displeasure, the ritual of washing one's face, or embracing a beloved. The impressionists made much of these small gestures—the picking of peaches, dance rehearsals and images of the bath were among the simple gestures these artists focused on to create works of art. Likewise, the history of dance has been rooted in a broad range of both grand and humble gestures of physical human expression to convey meaning. The gesture as ritual, communication, form and movement will be at the heart of our work.

In drawing, we refer to the gesture in two ways: as the pose of the body, and as a type of loose, quick preliminary drawing that captures the essence of the human figure's pose. These drawings aim for accuracy of emotion and movement rather than anatomical accuracy. In dance and movement, we refer to the gesture as the first element in a phrase (initiation) leading to where the gesture creates movement through full-body posture (follow-through and recuperation). Paralleling the use of gesture in drawing, in dance it serves a similar purpose: it is subtle, often quick, and expresses a moment of memory so that the postural pose can carry forward to reaction or response.

Intensive workshops on life drawing and fundamentals of movement with a focus on Butoh technique will form the core of our work. Students who are self-motivated and are able to commit, without reservation, to collaborative work will benefit from our inquiry. Expect about 50 hours of work in class and outside of class: in studios, out-of-class assignments and reading texts that will enrich our understanding of the body and the expressive power of its movement. Lectures and readings on the use of the body in performance and art history will complement our studio work.

Total: 16 credits.

Enrollment: 40

Special Expenses: Approximately $40 for drawing materials.

Program is preparatory for careers and future studies in expressive arts therapy, movement theater and visual arts.

This program is also listed under Expressive Arts.


Business, Culture and the State in the U. S. and Latin America

Fall and Winter quarters

Faculty: Larry Geri (management, international affairs, economics), William Bruner (economics, management), Nelson Pizarro (business administration, entrepreneurship)

Major areas of study include business, Latin American studies, management, economics, political science, finance and quantitative methods.

Class Standing: Sophomores or above; transfer students welcome.

Prerequisites: For admission into the program WINTER quarter, faculty signature required.

Faculty Signature: For admission into the program winter quarter, students should contact Bill Bruner at (360) 867-6246, Larry Geri at (360) 867-6616, or Nelson Pizarro at (360) 867-6323, or meet with faculty at the Academic Fair, November 28, 2007. Qualified students will be accepted on a space available basis.

In this two-quarter program, we will combine the study of business practices with an exploration of Latin American culture, politics, business practices and economic development. Over the last two decades, China and much of East Asia experienced remarkable economic growth and improved living standards (though at a significant social and environmental cost), while many of the countries of Latin America struggled to improve the lives of their citizens. Our goal is to gain knowledge and skills in business and management (on topics such as accounting and finance, organizational development, organizational behavior, marketing, economics, business history and ethics) while attempting to answer two questions: What led to this wide difference in social and economic outcomes? What policy options are available for improving such outcomes in this diverse region?

During fall quarter, we will develop analytical frameworks, subject expertise and basic skills in business, management, economics and the study of cultures and political systems. In winter quarter, we will apply these frameworks to an analysis of globalization, culture, and the state, with an emphasis on Latin America. We will examine the complex relationships between the U. S. and countries within the region, and between the state and business, as well as the opportunities and problems associated with increased trade within the Americas. This discussion will emphasize the impacts of the North American Free Trade Agreement and related free-trade proposals.

Students in the program can expect to gain a solid introduction to business and management as a basis for more advanced study, or for jobs in either the public or private sectors. They will also gain an improved understanding of the countries and cultures of Latin America, and insights into the relationship between business and society.

Total: 16 credits each quarter.

Enrollment: 75

Program is preparatory for careers and future studies in business, management, public administration, law and the social sciences.

Program Updates
Signature requirements for winter quarter admission were added.
