Week 4 (Oct. 18)

•    Ecology, Water and the PNW
•    Tribal interests in water/salmon/dams
•    Research Projects (Introduction)

Faculty Facilitators:  Martha and Kathleen
Guest speakers/Events:
•    Tuesday

  • Term Project Introduction
  • Term Project Topic Selection Talking Circles     (prepare a 30 second oral presentation of idea for your topic).
  • Seminar on NW Lands, NW Peoples Reading.

•    Thursday:

  • 5-6pm  Potluck with all MES students/GAEA, on C 1105
  • Gary Peterson, Evergreen Faculty Local Tribal-State Relationships
  • Workshop on the Brown Case Study

•    Writing (see Moodle for more detail):

  • Midterm paper  (3-5 pp), synthesizing reading, lectures to date (1st draft, peer responses, 2nd draft due as usual).  See the moodle for details.
  • 3 Questions (to Tuesday seminar) on this week’s reading (hardcopy to Seminar and posted on the moodle).

•    Due Tuesday:  Tribes and Watersheds in Washington State, a case study by Jovana J. Brown.
•    Northwest Lands, Northwest Peoples, Chapters 7, 9, 11 & 12

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