Animation Comments on homework

I have just completed viewing all After Effects homework from week one. Nice job, everyone!  These are delightful.
If you completed this assignment and put it in the file folder as requested, I evaluated it and left a note for you (text file) in that folder in your cubby about it.  A few of you had already completed the sequence due next week and I also evaluated some of those (but not all!).

What I notice as common missteps are these:

  • Not everyone is making sure that all the assets they are working with in a project file end up in the assets folder that they make for that file. It’s a good idea to make an assets folder before you start and place all the elements you think you might want to use in it.  Do not import something that is not already in your assets folder!
  • When using a composition (aka a “precomp”) to make an object that will be nested and animated in a larger composition, make it the smallest size possible that fits the scale of the object to facilitate your manipulation of it.
  • Label your layers!


About Ruth Hayes

Ruth Hayes is an artist and animator, and member of the faculty at The Evergreen State College.
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