Week 4 Calendar page available, thanks for great Wild Waves trip!

  • The Week 4 Calendar page is available; we’ll post the Seminar Prompts soon
  • Thanks to all for a wonderful evening at Wild Waves. Hope you had a good time
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Group A sketchbooks due for Review

This is a reminder that Group A sketchbooks are due for review tomorrow (Tuesday, 10/9) in class.  You will be able to pick them up by the end of the day on Wednesday.

Group B sketchbooks are due for review in class next Tuesday (10/16).

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Reminder: Upcoming Trip

This is a reminder that the upcoming Friday, October 12, is the trip to Wild Waves.

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Week 3 Calendar page available

You can find the detailed Week 3 calendar page under the Calendar link above.

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Calculus Homework #2 hand-in problems

Students in the calculus track can find the hand-in problems for Homework #2 due 5 pm Fri. Oct. 5 in the box in Lab 2 2223A here

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Week 2 Physics Assignment

We didn’t get quite as far as planned in lecture; we’ll pick up during Wednesday’s Problem Session with some examples on finding displacement from velocity vs. time graphs and solving problems involving constant acceleration. Here is the assignment for the week; I have bolded and underlined those problems I think you should be able to do before Wednesday’s Problem Session based on what we were able to get to in lecture. If you can, you should work on all of the problems before Problem Session, but definitely the bold/underlined ones. On Wednesday, I’ll announce the problems to submit via MasteringPhysics based on how far we get in Problem Session.

Student Workbook – Chapter 2: 13, 9, 4 (also: what happens at t = 3s?) 2, 7, 20, 23, 24

Chapter 2 – Conceptual/Multiple Choice Questions: 2, 4, 11, 17, 19, 20

Chapter 2 – Problems: 6, 13, 17, 25, 32, 51, 7, 19, 27, 37, 43, 69, 71; note: you might not be able to do the position parts of 32 yet but should be able to do the other parts.

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Week 2 Calendar page available

You can find the detailed Week 2 calendar page under the Calendar link above, including Seminar Ticket Prompts and other assignments, and links to handouts.

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Animation Workshop reminder, Wild Waves confirmation

  • A quick reminder that if you are in Krishna’s seminar, you have Animation Workshop on Thursday morning starting at 10:30 in Lab 2 2223A. If you are in Ruth’s seminar, you have Animation Workshop on Thursday afternoon starting at 1:30 in Lab 2 2223A.
  • Please check your calendars so you can let us know at Thursday’s Wrap if you are able to join us for our trip to Wild Waves from 4 – 11 pm on Friday October 12.
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MasteringPhysics Course ID

When you register for MasteringPhysics, it will eventually prompt you for your Course ID. Our Course ID is TRAJECTORIESAMP1213

  • The “Introduction to MasteringPhysics” assignment is an orientation to the software (how to enter your answers, how to use hints, etc.)
  • The “Reading Quiz #1″ assignment is your first reading quiz.
  • Do your best to complete these assignments by 9 am Wednesday. We’ll have time in class to work on what you found challenging about the system, but we’ll want to make the best use of that time.

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First Day information!

Our first class meeting begins promptly at 9 am on Monday September 24 in Seminar 2 E1107. We are looking forward to meeting you and beginning our work together.

  • Please arrive on time. We have a long wait-list, and registered students who are not present on time at the first class session will have their seats released to a student on the wait-list.
  • Please arrive prepared. Students need to bring comfortable writing tool(s), notebook(s), a (three-ring) binder for handouts, and a day planner (you will also need a calculator by Wednesday). See the response to “What can I do to prepare myself for this program?” in our Q&A.
  • Our wait-list is long. If you are on it, please read the response to “I’m on the wait-list. What are my chances for getting in? What should I do?” in our Q&A.

We invite you to begin to read over some important program documents and information.

  • You can find the Syllabus and Covenant under the About menu in the navigation bar above. Don’t feel obligated to print these out, as we will provide you copies.
  • You can find details about our first week reading schedule and assignments in the Week 1 page under the Calendar menu.
    • We’ll provide details like this each week in the Calendar, but won’t provide a print-out. You can print out the Week 1 page (and subsequent pages), though we don’t recommend it. Instead, we recommend that you get in the habit of transcribing this information (by hand or electronically) into your day planner/notebook to help you keep track of what is due and when.
    • At the Week 1 page, you will find links to Tuesday’s seminar reading (“Only Connect”) and a supplementary reading (“A Tour of the Calculus”) for Wednesday. We encourage you to read ahead; we will provide you with copies in class on Monday, so you don’t need to print these out.
    • Students in the calculus track should note that there is reading due to be completed before the first calculus lecture on Tuesday afternoon.
    • All students should note that there is a physics reading (and assignment) due to be completed before Wednesday morning’s physics workshop.

We will spend time on Monday going over our program structure and workload and answering your questions, so don’t panic!

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