ML: Lecture 3

Read the Blog It has the reading assignments


Topics for the quarter

  • What are Concepts, Instances, Attributes, what is learning?
  • Knowledge representation
  • Rule Lists, Trees, Linear Models
  • Training a machine learning system
  • Cleaning and Transforming Data
  • Bayesian Networks
  • Clustering
  • Neural Networks
  • Regression

Readings for this week and last week

  • in Witten: Chapter 2 and section 11.3 for lab
  • From last week, the examples were important: weather, contact lenses, irises, labor
    contracts, soybean classification. What was important for each of them.
  • Also, the types of concepts: classification, clustering, associations
  • ethics: why do we need to think about it?

Additional resources

I have moved them to Docs

Concepts, Instances, Attributes

  • a conceptis what the system is learning, e.g. classification, clustering, …
  • an instanceis an irreducible collection of data that is input to the learning system, i.e. an example of a concept
  • an attribute is a property/component of an instance


  • What is the difference between a function and a relation? Can a table be both?
    What is the closed world assumption? What is a predicate?
  • The book describes the sister-of relation. What input would you give the learning
    algorithm to train it?
  • Look at Figure 2.1, does the table have enough information to define the relation?
  • What about combined with table 2.4 on P. 45?
  • Database relations are optimized for space and time, but not necessarily for learning algorithms.
  • Suppose you had two tables (relations in the database sense), how would you combine them?
  • What is denormalization? What is a multi-instance problem?
  • What do you do when the relation is not finite, e.g. ancestor-of. This needs to
    be defined recursively.

Attributes and Data

  • What kinds of data are there in Weka?
  • What is the difference between string and {yes, no}
  • What is another name for categorical?
  • Look at P 55 for an example of an ARFF file.
  • Why data needs to be cleaned/preprocessed: missing values, inconsistent values
  • Summarizing data: mean, standard deviation, min, max, quartiles
  • attribute subset selection: finding a minimum set of attributes that adequately describes the concept.


  • rules, P. 6, there are 24 rows, how many possible functions are there from a
    set of 24 instances to a set of 3 outcomes?
  • In general, the data is noisy
  • decision list vs decision tree. P. 13
  • generalization