Asian Culture and Arts - 2005-2006




Spring Quarter Activities - Week Eight



Pramoedya Ananta Toer, All That is Gone

The assignment for this week (due in seminar, Wednesday, May 24) is for you to develop a short written memoir of a pivotal, life-changing event in your young life -- ideally, before you came to college. How did this event change the way you saw the world? Who were you with and how can you capture this person in such a way that we can come to know the person as well? Notice that we come to know Pramoedya Toer not through his description of himself, but through his description of the environment and the actions of the people around him. Your paper should be just 2-3 pages (typed, double-spaced, normal margins), and you should come to seminar prepared to read it out loud (practice reading out loud so you don't stumble over the words when it's your turn). Pramoedya Toer has a gift for encapsulating life-changing memories in just a few pages, closing with a phrase like "but now that has all been swept away like the shores and the clumps of bamboo along the Lusi river." Choose a subtly appropriate metaphor like the flooded river to close your story.

Tuesday, May 23

10-12: Com 110 (Roy), Com 341 (Williams), Com 323 (Ishii) and Com 210 (Jang)

Workshops on language and arts.

1-4: Com 107 - Indonesia (Williams)

Wednesday, May 24

10-12: Com 320 (Roy), Com 323 (Jang), Com 310 (Williams)

Morning seminars will be on themes introduced by the readings; do not forget to bring copies of the week's reading.

1-4: rehearsals and independent practice on your own. Japan workshop students meet in SII D2109

Thursday, May 25

10-12: Com 110 (Roy), Com 341 (Williams), Com 323 (Ishii) and Com 210 (Jang)

Workshops on language and arts

1-4: Lecture Hall 3 - Indonesia (Williams)

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