Prelude to Studio 2.0

Posted onNovember 1, 2009 
Filed under Production, Program Information | 2 Comments

During the last four weeks of the quarter we will be doing some experimentation with the production of a number of Ten Minute Plays for live television. Your first task is to identify one play that you believe would transfer well to television and that you personally would like to direct.  You will need to spend some time reading through Take Ten: New 10-Minute Plays before Friday, November 6.  You may choose any play in this book but I would prefer that you do not choose one with only one actor and also be realistic if it is a very large cast.

On Friday, November 6 each of you should come with a selection that you will pitch.  Please bring your copy of the Take Ten book to class. This is required! At this time you will pitch your idea, and propose how you might direct it. Ultimately, your production group will select two plays to work on for the remainder of the quarter.


Week Five Update!!!

Posted onOctober 24, 2009 
Filed under Program Information | Leave a Comment

1. Please make sure you bring Secrets of Screen Acting to Wednesday AM class (The reading is on syllabus but in case you are unclear it is pp. 55-81 and 99-188.  It is not a bad idea to review the earlier reading from Week 1 as well).  We will be holding an actual seminar on this book first thing on Wednesday morning so please come prepared with text in hand.


2. Make sure to review the cast/crew lists for the Visual Music Assignment (in sidebar under crew calls) so that you are absolutely sure when you are needed and where you have to be for those three production days.

All About Ernie

Posted onOctober 19, 2009 
Filed under Early TV History, Program Information | 2 Comments


  1. Surrealism and DADA
  2. Montage Theory (primarily Sergei Eisenstein)
  3. HIGH BROW, MIDDLE BROW, LOW BROW (Russell Lynes, “ High Brow, Middle Brow, Low Brow…Which Are You?” Harper’s Magazine, 1949)
  4. Counter-Distinction  (Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, 1984)

This week’s playlist:

from The Best of Ernie Kovacs (1997)
Ernie Kovacs Monologue
1812 Overture
Kovacs on Music
Hospital Sketch
Swan Lake of Gorillas
Musical Spaghetti


Additional source:  Ferguson, Bruce. “The Importance of Being Ernie:  ”Taking a Close Look and Listen.” Illuminating Video: An Essential Guide to Video Art. Edited by Doug Hall and Sally Jo Fifer. San Francisco, CA: Aperture, 1991.

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