Posted by Sally Cloninger on March 28, 2010
Filed under Program Information
Welcome back!! We have an exciting week ahead. By the end this week we will have made a commitment to our “emerging curriculum” and that means that we will have made important decisions about how our work will proceed this quarter. Here is our schedule for Week 1. PLEASE READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY.
Weds., March 31. 10:00 AM sharp in Com. 326.
We will hear the four pitches for the proposed series. Each group should organize their verbal pitch to be no longer than 20 minutes. Please bring two pitch bibles with you (both bound). One will be given to Sally; the other will be retained by the group (and available to anyone in the class to examine). In addition please make a one page handout that contains the following (extracted from your pitch bible):
1. Title
2. Names of individuals who are already on your team
3. Your logline
4. Your synopsis.
You will need to have copies for everyone in the class, including Sally (24 copies). If you need to use our xerox card, make sure you come to Sally’s office around 9:30 and she can arrange that. Costs for copying and binding of the original pitch bibles will need be shared by your group. In addition make sure that you have one clean copy of the script for your first episode or pilot because we will need to duplicate those scripts for work on Thursday. Copying of scripts can be done right after class on Weds.
Again, Wednesday is the verbal pitch, 20 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for reactions. You need to distribute a one page hand-out to everyone. One or two people from each group should do the pitch so figure out who is best suited for this task.
Thursday, April 1. 9:30 AM sharp in the CCAM.
We will begin this session with table reads of each script. Think of this as “workshoping” your production (much the same as we did with the Studio 2.0 projects). You need to cast for this “table read” and I would recommend (if you haven’t already done this), to arrange for a rehearsal on Weds. afternoon or evening. Please be generous if someone asks you to read and do your best work. Of course this doesn’t mean that you have to appear in this production if it is selected.
We will spend the day pondering which production or productions we all can stand behind. By the end of Thursday I believe we will be able to make our decision (guided of course by our manifesto).
Friday, April 2. 10:00 AM sharp in the CCAM.
Production meeting. We will review the logistical issues as a class, break into small groups to plan the production schedules (aided by Sally and Staff) and then come back together at some point to make a master calendar. We also will formalize our meeting schedule (i.e., weekly production meetings, critiques, etc.)
I hope you had a good break. Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday. Sally
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