All About Ernie
Posted by Sally Cloninger on October 19, 2009
Filed under Early TV History, Program Information
- Surrealism and DADA
- Montage Theory (primarily Sergei Eisenstein)
- HIGH BROW, MIDDLE BROW, LOW BROW (Russell Lynes, “ High Brow, Middle Brow, Low Brow…Which Are You?” Harper’s Magazine, 1949)
- Counter-Distinction (Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, 1984)
This week’s playlist:
from The Best of Ernie Kovacs (1997)
Ernie Kovacs Monologue
1812 Overture
Kovacs on Music
Hospital Sketch
Swan Lake of Gorillas
Musical Spaghetti
Additional source: Ferguson, Bruce. “The Importance of Being Ernie: ”Taking a Close Look and Listen.” Illuminating Video: An Essential Guide to Video Art. Edited by Doug Hall and Sally Jo Fifer. San Francisco, CA: Aperture, 1991.
2 Responses to “All About Ernie”
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Walter Maenhout on October 19th, 2009 4:43 pm
Hey Sally, I really enjoyed checking out the comprehensive website for the RC1 program!
Looks as if you’ve yet again assembled a great group of students, and quite the top-shelf support team, as well
I found the audition mashup video rather funny (and the quality of image is pretty fantastic!).
Must admit, seeing your extensive and masterful planning in place, along with the potential to transcend structure and create something truly wonderful as a group–makes me just a tad wistful as my time with you seems so long ago now.
But we will always have Islands and SOS.
Love, Walter.
Sally on October 19th, 2009 7:51 pm
Yes, Walter, we will always have Islands (and Paris). And thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. Come visit any time. I am in the new studio most Thursdays and Fridays. You are always welcome. Wait until you actually see the HD content; auditions were done in SD!