Early Television History Abstract Presentation Schedule

Posted onNovember 13, 2009 
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400_F_14500723_lkTC0yCKOHj4TK5qfZEvNBPhbNQjcMTDWeek 8 Wednesday
November 18  10:00-1:00




experimental-photographs-tv-06WEEK 9 WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2 10:00-1:00




Topics in Early Television History Blogs

Posted onNovember 11, 2009 
Filed under Early TV History, Production, Program Information | Leave a Comment

Your “website” constructed with WordPress MU can take any form but must have the following elements:

1. visual design that is reflective of your research topic (in the banner, background or where ever else you can manage),

2. you need to have separate Pages for your Research Report, your Annotated Bibliography, and visual elements (stills, videos etc.),

[Note: you may need to edit your paper and bibliography once you upload these to make sure you have appropriate citation formats etc.]

3. if you already have your own personal blog at Evergreen, you will need to modify it to meet this requirement,

4. you need to incorporate an RSS feed back to the Ready Camera One website (http://blogs.evergreen.edu/readycamera1/feed/),

5. consider adding an About page that provides a brief overview of the research project as well as some information about your own work,

6. you should consider that the “website” is not a blog at this point but a way to share your research. Make it accessible, visually interesting, and inviting,

7. all of your blogs will be linked to the original RC1 website,

8. we will talk about naming strategies with Amy in the workshop,

9. and you will be presenting and utilizing this site during your oral presentations in Week 8 or Week 9.

Week Seven Updates

Posted onNovember 8, 2009 
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Reminder:  we meet at 10:00 AM on Weds. Nov. 11 in the MAC Lab.  We will be doing a workshop with Amy Greene on creating “websites” using wordpress MU.  You will be designing a “web presence” for your research reports so it would be great if you brought digital materials (visual images in particular) that you might like to use.  We have the lab until 1:00 so this is a very good opportunity to get your site completely done except for uploading some content from your research reports and bibliographies that I know you will probably be working on until Friday at 9:00AM.  You will use this site when you do your presentations to the class and we will use it to access some of your ideas for your study.  Later on, these sites will mutate into a place where you will pitch other projects and garner support for future work.  Even if you know wordpress mu intimately this is a required class and of course, you can help others as well as embellish your previous work.  Never too late to learn more about CSS, for example.  (If you don’t know what CSS is, don’t worry at all.)

Second, after your pitches in the TV studio on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 9:30AM of the two 10-minute plays that your production group is going to work on and after a short meeting with Matt, I will give you the rest of the afternoon off to finish up those papers.  See, life has already become easier.


Please mention this update to RC1ers that you run into as I forgot to remind you all about Weds, when I was voiceless on Friday.  Thanks,

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