Caryn Cline visits on Weds. Jan. 13

Posted onJanuary 8, 2010 
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Caryn will join us with a talk and screening about Paper Tiger TV and Convergence Culture.  She was at Evergreen for many years but now lives in NYC, is a filmmaker, media activist, and media historian.  Welcome, Caryn.

Please read the short essay by Henry Jenkins from Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide in preparation for this meeting.

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Posted onJanuary 2, 2010 
Filed under Early TV History, Production, Program Information | Leave a Comment

The Spectacular

What:  During the first 4.5 weeks of winter Ready Camera One will be collaboratively producing and writing a long-form program or special based on your research completed in fall quarter.  The concept and content will be generally about Television History, 1948-68.  How we will do this re: design and implementation will be up to you. Conceptually, you must find a way to imbue the production with elements from your research report. Your individual contributions to this endeavor will probably be quite complex.  You should plan to work from your strongest areas of expertise, however.

Some parameters:

1.    WE are working now with a hybrid style: live production, live to tape and some remote production if applicable.  However, most of the material will be produced in the CCAM Studio although you will be able to edit sequences and choose best takes.

2.    The length of The Spectacular has not been determined but the program concept will require some consideration of continuity and intent.  This means that we are not simply producing a series of sketches that are casually linked together.

3.    The Spectacular is a working title; the class will come up with a final production title during the production period.

Important Dates:

7 January, Thursday: Preliminary Concept Development

15 January, Friday:  Working Script Finalized; Studio production design finalized

21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28 January:  Studio production days

29 January, Friday: Editing Rough Cut and Critique

2 February, Wednesday: The Spectacular is completed and screened.


Your responsibilities:

1. you must contribute to at least one MAJOR sketch/scene/element for The Spectacular as a writer, performer, designer, or director.

2. you must be available as crew or cast for any production in any capacity; no request of your time should be perceived as too small (within reason: because some of the production times are on Monday or Tuesday).

3. you will meet with Sally at least once to review your script, role or contribution while we are in production.

Studio 2.0 Production Schedule UP

Posted onNovember 23, 2009 
Filed under Production, Program Information | 1 Comment

See sidebar for all that is ahead!!  Breathe.

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