Field Study Proposal
This is an Independent Learning Contract on the power of exuberant health that can come from verbal expression post intercourse and post birth. How powerful might it be for an individual to find the voice of the Yoni, the language of the deep body? What happens to our brains when we are able to express what our bodies would like to communicate? How are women recycling neurons when finding this second voice? This will be an exploration of my own sexuality through writing, discussing and reading about the voice of the Yoni. I will gather an Annotated Bibliography, speak with midwives and individuals in the sexual world, attend a doula workshop, and start a zine on my experiences that will include research done throughout the quarter. In aiding finding the voice within the body I will also participate in an herbal apprenticeship, tightening the bond between my body, plants and the land.
Read complete Field Study Proposal
ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes
- Y – Log Week 8! March 3, 2013 February 25th 1 hour – Read Annie Sprinkle articles on ‘sex and breath’ and ‘orgasms’ 1 hour – Read Bachelard 1 hour – Read Cunt by Inga Muscio 2 hours – Writing 7steps to ...
- Y – Log Week 7! February 25, 2013 February 18th 2 hours – This evening I was weaving, weaving the motions of my body towards acceptance of self. (dance) embodying my learning! 7 hours – Doula Training 1 hour – Reading ...
- Y – Week 6 Log! February 17, 2013 February 11th 1 hour – Writing up Questions for interviews 2 hours – Free write (Holdridge paper) 1 hour – Reading (Sacred Sexuality) 1 hour – poetry! 2 hours – Yoga Nidra/writing workshop with Sophia February ...
- Y – Week 5 Log! February 11, 2013 February 4th 3 hours – reading 1 1/2 hours – research on plants for women’s health 2 hours – Wrote Mid-Quarter Eval February 5th 4 hours – reading (not knowing notebook) 2 hour – journaling – ...
Bachelardian Reverie
- Y – Bachelard Reverie #4 February 27, 2013 “”all the fruits of the apple tree are rising suns,” “celebrate” the apple. ” -156 Claim your woman Claim flame, mane, fame, name, pain, frame, train, brain, drain, vein, rain, sane, crane, Claim ...
- Y – Bachelard Reverie #3 February 20, 2013 “These memories of odors from the past are recovered by closing our eyes.” (136) I had sensitive eyes. I closed them when she cooked. There were always lots of deep smells coming from ...
- Y – Bachelard Reverie #2 February 13, 2013 (Here I am trying to convey the difference between being awake with my passion ie. reverie, vs being asleep with my passion ie. dream. They – the animus and anima – mingle ...
- Y – Bachelard Reverie #1 February 6, 2013 Here is what is evoked when I play with opposing, what I believe to be, masculine vs feminine words. Leading myself into “the labyrinth of the intimate Nature of things.” ...
- Finl Presentation Poem Universes my mind is not unlike the galaxy. deep and dark, mysterious. thoughts floating around for eons, like lost astroids, then the ah-ha! moments hit like a meteor hitting the earth – ...
- y – poem (tangy eye) “Goethe breathes with all his lungs as the earth breathes with all its atmosphere. The man who reaches the glory of breathing, breathes cosmically.” Strength. I was there, when you closed out ...
- Y – poem (our secret language) Layers are opening as my mouth is circled around your nipple and you gaze into me. We have only just finished a long endeavor, as together we surrender to the exhaustion, as our bones turn to ...
- y – poem (universes) my mind is like the galaxy. deep and dark, mysterious. thoughts floating around for eons, lost astroids. the ah-ha! moments hit me like a meteor hits the earth – suddenly, with expansion ...
- Y – poem (volcano) Debris Lately, I am a volcano. I listen, I stand, patiently. Yet I am bubbling and boiling deep inside, waiting to be heard. volcano vagina volcanic eruption vaginal expulsion explosion- of darkness? of debris? but what is debris but ...
Poetry Observed

Winter Term Paper Abstract
“I am for you what you want me to be at the moment you look at me in a way you’ve never seen me before: at each instant.” –Helene Cixous
When wandering the world we must remember what calls us to the willow lined brooks, to the tops of volcanoes, our noses towards the center of flowers, we must call forth the deepest and truest voice within ourselves and listen for what many believe to be crucial wisdom. Speaking through the body, through the feminine Yoni, our Ancestors whisper of experience. When we learn to listen, we then must learn to express this learned wisdom.
These are woven words to express an experience of moving through and with my painted map of passion, a passion for the tangled world of feminine connection and for a deeper understanding of the Yoni.
I listened, and here is what I heard.