Field Study Proposal 
In these next four weeks I will be immersing myself within various forms of movement to evoke poetry. I will continue to go to the Dance Co-Op on campus as well as in downtown Olympia as well as a structured modern dance class once a week. On any off day I plan on making my way to the rock wall or swimming pool to position my body in a form of weightlessness. I plan on having a ten to hour and a half long morning yoga session in my home space all the while taking acro-yoga classes at Breathe yoga studio to become more familiar with my own body, its movements, and those movements relating to another human being. At the end of this field study I hope to become completely familiar with my own body and have a multi-media compilation of the art that was evoked by my own movement.
ABCs and 123s – weekly log and field notes
- M – Week 8 Log March 3, 2013 February 25th 1 hour – morning yoga 3 hours – reading 1.5 hour – preforming exercises in two books 2.5 hours – writing – poetry 2 hour – organizing term paper February 26th 30 minutes – morning yoga 3 ...
- M – Week 7 Log February 27, 2013 February 18th 1 hour – morning yoga 3 hours – reading 1 hour – preforming exercises in two books 4 hours – entangled movement with another February 19th 1 hour – morning yoga 4 hours – reading 30 minutes – preforming ...
- M – Week 6 Log February 19, 2013 February 11th (rest day) 2 hours – reading 2.5 hours – preforming exercises in two books – writing 1.5 hours – stretching – self-massaging February 12th 1 hour – morning yoga 3 hours – forest walk ...
- M – Week 5 Log February 19, 2013 February 1st 1 hour – morning yoga 3 hours – reading 3 hour – mindful forest walking 2.5 hours – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing February 2nd 30 minutes – morning yoga 1.5 ...
Bachelardian Reverie
- M – Reverie #4 Week 8 February 28, 2013 Gabrielle Gribbin Bachelardian Reverie #4 Winter qtr. wk. 8 Work count:100 “Listening to the trees of the night prepare their tempests, the poet will say: ‘The forest shivers under the caresses of the cristal-fingered ...
- M – Reverie #3 Week 7 February 28, 2013 Gabrielle Gribbin Winter qtr, wk. 7 Word count:100 Reverie Prompt: pp 139, 141 Create your own reverie in response to Bachelard’s reverie: “When I read this line by Edmond Vandercammen: ‘My childhood goes ...
- M – Reverie #2 Week 6 February 28, 2013 Gabrielle Gribbin Bachelardian Reverie #2 Winter qtr. wk.6 Word count:100 “Reverie Prompt: pp 88, 93 Create your own reverie in response to Bachelard’s reverie: “Reveries of idealization develop, not by letting oneself be taken ...
- M – Reverie #1 Week 5 February 28, 2013 Gabrielle Gribbin Bachelardian Reverie #1 Winter qt. wk.5 Word count:100 “Reverie Prompt: pp 38-39, 47 Create your own reverie on the engendering of words in response to Bachelard’s reverie: “Look out for the flamboires, little girl! ...
- M – Week 5 Poem Their voices slowly fade, she stands there mind racing until she is completely alone. She waits to breathe easily again. Eyes closed, hesitant to open, arms, turn to hands, then, fingers intertwining overhead, torso swaying, her ...
- M – Week 6 (Fed by Touch) Nourished by movement, my body is fed by touch a delectable treat that leaves my physique to salivate in the anticipation of it all. I lay supine as you move each tensile ...
- M – Week 7 Poem (My Body in the State of this World) The water inside of me creates a riptide, a vortex of brewing. A dangerous seething weapon. The liquid that I am wills my bones to rise from deep within their marrow. I have no absence of ...
- M – Week 8 Poem (Hinges) I stand vertical holding in the air I’ve just inhaled, here I wait for the exhalation that your touch will bring as fingertips brush the backs of my heels. Slowly out of the warmth of ...
Poetry Observed

Winter Term Paper Abstract
During this four week field study I became engaged in numerous activities dedicated to movement. From acrobatic yoga, to rock climbing, to ecstatic dance, I implied my found knowledge about the bodies range of motion and structure to fully understand how we move.