Insidious One(your best friend and enemy)
I know you, I have known you, I will you know you
Cruel Black Dragon
You slayer of kings
You sinker of ships
ride me low
till the tide breaks
and I am forced to flow
The longest journey With every footfall I’m learning to walk again I’m learning to talk again I’m learning to be silent…
Kno me?
Know one, can know me
unless they get to know me
unless they get close to me
so these judgments
I toss them out.
These words are fables
Spoken to attack me
I am the one who must know me
Frozen defense mechanism
striped me bear
learning to flow
taught me to repair
growing out
not turning it
Shadows now rise to try and take me back again
\Growing Wings/
Arrogant Adolesence find pride in what they can
To build up
little egos.
To Block out the sky
Afraid to fly.
Its to high! they say, but they will pay with their blood
should they stay on the ground
for this is where the tigers stalk the living
already dying
weeping sores hidden under ragged clothes
punctuate the verbage
Arrogant Adolescence shake the youth from your eyes
your wings hide under layers of old flesh
Learn the struggle and the joy that is flight
W o r k
My job
My duty
is to accept
the un
which so
defines my reality without
The Shaman Way
trance states, dance and drumming
transmutation: the mundane into the magical
surreality as true reality
Feeling is the most important compass
Playing with the moment
Exercises in Flow
Summon a fire breathing pit demon
and ask it for dancing lessons
Playing with your future
like an REI switcheroo
make like a kangaroo
and bounce
watch, listen, learn
words to shift by
driving yourself crazy
with haze
its only a phaze
if your react to your plight
don’t fight, if you don’t want a snake bite
that slither in stomach
needs your to speak
New Beginnings
Caterpillar crawling on a leaf
cant see past its next bite
wants desperately to melt away
so it consumes its weight in words
till it unfurls
from its cocoon, now a tomb
…and flies away
to a bright and sunny day
Siren Calls
I refuse to be drawn off course by the sirens calls.
They taunt me and tempt with false incantations
So that I may smash myself upon their rocky shores.
Stop. Wait. Listen.
Do you hear my soul?
Its beat is heard just below the surface
Where the waves cant reach.
Cult-aural Paradigm
Cultural Scion guard the keys to society
dictating what can leave and enter that tall keep.
Look down on those with fleeted feet not walking in lock step’s wake
and the meek shall inherit the dust
These fleeting moments
Wise words exchanged on backs of birds
We tie our minds and
Weave our wills
to common goals
we reach
at priceless artifacts to make sense of
our internal landscapes
Pen as my feet, feet as my pen
My feet make marks upon the ground
A whispering willow does not make a sound
Moonlight trickles between the leaves
A breeze brushes the land shaping it
by its hand
Rigidity is death
Nature can attest to that
she teaches with the hand of experience
gentle at first
but with increasing fervor
till all is laid low
before her mighty breath
she speaks words of power
resonating with those who will listen
sending children to do the work
we pile the weight of ages on the back of the youth
with breaking back we pick up the pieces, but do we have time
to unravel this tattered tapestry of glitz and gold