T W6 Neuro reverie

“No doubt for much of our history, these assumptions have been derived from a mixture of folk wisdom, theoretical doctrines, philosophies, and the accumulated experience of those who have exercised authority in different domains.” (Abi-Rached, Rose, 160)


Romanticisms run rampant in Westernized stories from tribes or other nations.

Roots from German literature, a poem in this case manipulated.

Stories from one language to the common often lose their identity.

A rhythm is lost, awkward for the transcriber and reader/listener well versed in the piece.

Claiming with the Westernized translations the ease of communication becomes a fallacy pushed with English to the point of monochrome sublimation.

Even genders from original folklore are not immune to the decidedly ideal.

Is this for originality or to simply paraphrase?

When a translation doesn’t make sense to us the reader/listener how often do we pursue answers for the questions texts raise?

Misunderstandings between dialects or particular accents often create translations that are askew.

As a translator collecting the story live time, questioning what is believed to have been said could be one of the best things you do.

It gives justice to the presenter of an unfamiliar tale.

This action helps to obtain the reassurance the notation you have is at its best and ready to set sail.

When in the doctor’s office receiving a diagnosis should the details be omitted?

Take medication prescribed without questioning the adverse symptoms.

Practice makes permanence.



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