Category Archives: poetry

Here is where you’ll categorize poetry posts during your field study. A minimum goal is one poem per week, 4 total, posted by Monday PM midnight. One of your four poems must be posted in a “Poetry Observed” video format ( The goal is to perform your poetry in situ—within the context of your passionate immersion.

I is for Blood

Ink is the blood of the Art of Calligraphy:

The Chinese language wriggles and writhes

under the constraints of an ordered civilization;

If it grows stale with history, the Art breaks it free:

calligraphers summon the soul of a word,

know it, love it

and breathe new life into it,

a delicate transfusion from old to new bodies.

The word appears ike an old friend in new clothing,

years later living a new life,

but still carrying the same essence,

the same character.

Love Breaking Free From Open Circle (with Ripples)


Punk Is…

Punk is the freedom to write this fucking poem any way I want to,

Who are they to try and tell me I can’t?

Does it threaten ones sensibilities so much?

They’re just frightened because I’m free.

Punk is the graffiti littering the public land walls,

because this is a statement of the freedom to express art,

not throwing an advertisement in your face for “the next big thing.”

Punk is knowing when you are being undermined and over powered

and standing up for yourself, even if it seems like you can’t fight this fight.

Being knocked down and coming up stronger and smarter than you were before

Punk is protecting your family at all costs

Who are they to tell me I can’t carry a deadly weapon?

When you are on the streets

Sometimes all you can do is fight fire with fire.

Punk is selling 5 grams to make twenty bucks

Who are they in their corporate mansions?

I am not going to get, or take handouts.

I look out for myself  and my family.

Punk is taking out your rage on your friend’s face in a fair and organized fight

without the gloves on.

Who are they to tell me who and where I can fight?

With all that is unjust in the world

Maybe all I need is a couple of stitches and a small concussion.

Punk is taking a poetry class In the middle of a recession

Because I want to further my educational and creative skills,

Not work a nine to five as an automated human slave,

A robot at a desk destined to die here,

fingers still clutching the keyboard.

Punk is attending a liberal arts college, not a 2 year trade school

Or fucking M.I.T.

Because I want to be able to stay on my toes

In the academic world, not fall obsolete to a fast paced society,

Ever changing itself.

Not challenging itself, but drowning itself.


y – poem (tangy eye)

“Goethe breathes with all his lungs as the earth breathes with all its atmosphere. The man who reaches the glory of breathing, breathes cosmically.”


I was there, when you closed out the world

each intention, each breath, focused towards her descending

your eyes

were shut

but your heart was,

for the first time,


expanding, expending, extending

the tools provided within,

to show obsolute to that which is thought without.

It is true about breathing, breathing brings glory and holds us up to a new world

i was there when the breath brought her body a new kind of color, a new kind of red.

Like peeling the blood orange

at first only that which is foreseen is revealed,

a deep cosmic red.

yet each bite,

each unique peeling come undone exposes a new ray of tangy buds breathing upon my tongue.

Your breath peeled away in layers,

showing skin to the air which gave relief to the pain of your bones.

The breath you first presented us with, all stopped our breaths.

Your unique tone, your unique movement, all from a simple breath in,

a new tang on our tongues.

This world is not unlike the one when I began,

only difference is

I breathe with the collective knowing, and each breath extends the known to the next.

like oranges,

like blood,

like breath,

we are all the same

with a different tang

running through our veins

all held in the glory of our breath.



we dance like animals fighting,

kicking and screaming in close quarters.

the group smells of stale beer and cigarettes

and anything else we’re wearing that doesn’t get washed.

boots clash on boots

and spikes scrape together in a violent love affair, mashing and molding

into each others crevices,

tearing at clothes not equipped with such armor.

Our bodies slamming like ocean upon rock, creating a spray of sweat cast from our brows.

sometimes there is blood, and you may get it on you

but don’t complain because when you decided to come to a punk show

you should have known what you were getting into.



Week 5 Poetry

Out of mind,

his father boarded his boat,

“The Midnight”,

and rode out on the ocean to drown in the darkness. (Drowned)


His mother stood on the rubble of the Twin Towers,

as a hundred different people turning inside her (MPS)

melted together


This is awesome.


Still I have the feeling of being without (dimension).

Without a friend.

Without a flock.

Without a mind.

Without migration.

This is how a planet must feel

before it is found in the folds

of blanketed space.


We lead ourselves astray so easily

(I am the donkey and the carrot dangling)

into a world full of vampires

and party girls

and bull elk alone in the rainforest.


A brief history of Hoquiam and Aberdeen

I was looking back and decided that It would be beneficial to post a short history of industry in Hoquiam and Aberdeen, with links to more in depth histories at the bottom so as to better understand some of the confines by which my poetry was crafted.

Hoquiam and Aberdeen are two small towns located in Grays Harbor County, WA. The predominant industry of the area has been that of Timber. As of recent years, with new forestry laws, the logging industry has suffered a massive decline in the area. With the closing of Weyerhaeuser (the most prominent lumber mill in the area) the over all prosperity of the area headed for a steep decline as unemployment rates on the harbor soared. Though this was not the first bust within the last decade or so. Lamb industries had closed it’s door just a few years before Weyerhaeuser, leaving a lot of machinists and other such laborers to be without job. Some found a temporary home at Weyerhaeuser, just to end up in the same predicament all over again. A few years after Weyerhaeuser closed, the paper mill eventually followed, leaving many more with out jobs. It has only been in the past two years that select parts of Weyerhaeuser and the Grays Harbor Paper Mill have been re-opened, but the damage to the area is already done. The jobless rate is sky high, and many people have long since left the area. It has pretty much become that those too poor to leave and those lucky enough to have a job that are left. Not many people actively choose to move here due to the lack of financial security that the harbor offers. It’s sad really, the area has so much potential.

I hope this helps a bit.

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photos from the slideshow pt1

Photos from the slideshow pt2

History of Hoquiam

History of Aberdeen

Weyerhaeuser Closes

More about Grays Harbor