Category Archives: poetry

Here is where you’ll categorize poetry posts during your field study. A minimum goal is one poem per week, 4 total, posted by Monday PM midnight. One of your four poems must be posted in a “Poetry Observed” video format ( The goal is to perform your poetry in situ—within the context of your passionate immersion.


B – Poem – Mind Like Letters

Mind Like Letters

my mind like letters

sits shelved and


collecting dust,



of the time it

will feel the rumble

of the cabinet

cracking open,

the sliver of light

passing over

and becoming active

from the hand

that selects


for conceiving


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Pil – The You in ME


Can’t you see this isn’t the idea

You were meant to be like me

and not me like you.

But the universe said something different

and here I am…

Being, like you I am

It’s still here though the idea of you

in me. I can see, physically, that I am like you

through genetics and science and whatnot

we share the same blood, you and I

So like you am I.

But where does it end this link to each other

Can you see me as I see you

In the mirror we are the same you and I

Your face is my face

Can you feel this as I stitch your name across my chest

Your name… Our name…

Try as I might I am like you

Your life is my life

Your heart is my heart

and through this we are linked,

you and I.

Me and You.





M – Week 5 Poem

Their voices slowly fade,

she stands there mind racing until she is completely alone.

She waits to breathe easily again.

Eyes closed, hesitant to open,

arms, turn to hands, then, fingers intertwining overhead,

torso swaying,

her smile melts, the fake expression vanishing off her face. Soul at ease but empty,

looking blankly, focused on a reflection she knows too well.

Set on a wall of mirrors,

possessed by the fluid movements it mimics.

She sighs as each of her feet leave the ground,

weightless for a moment,


in an instant she feels the cold hard wood against her blistered, bloodied, broken toes.

R -Poetry Observed

Dreams of Digitial Ruination

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Click, click,
{My memory}
Click, Click,


Click, click

{So you want to delete that,
too bad,}

My mind is not silicon or circuitry,
but it dreams in digital,
html, css, binary, and flash flowers flow.

From my memory to code,
I become the web,
the intangible,
the fleeting,
and impermanent.

Quickly I am reduced to ruins by the next
update, catch me if you can.

I am the digital age
made flesh and blood by
fate and timing,
I am the foundation
that will inevitably crumble,
I will be lost to time,
but I’ve made my
I hit the target,
and I flew farther then
my predecessors thought
was possible,

I am the beginning of something more,
that surpasses time,
My memory lives on.

e - thumbnail

E – Week 8 Poetry


I write well.

This comes as something of a surprise

Because I feel out of practice

And I so seldom write what I like to read.


But somehow I manage to capture

People, struggle, emotion and

Put them to a page.

With my words I can give people feelings,

Teach them about the world.

Even as this power bemuses me.


There are worse super heroes to be

Worse powers to try to wrangle, or I

Tell myself that when

I never can wash of the ink from my hands

The people in my life are tired of hearing about

Whatever I’ve written

Or when my characters decide they don’t like my plot.

I wouldn’t trade it even still,

This magical power of words.


Week 6 Poetry

(Your) pheromones

passed my nostrils

and melted all but my skin.


Everything liquid

I’m in there somewhere,






And suddenly I am drained and my body is dry

and thirsty

and I am a fish flopping on a desert dune

and my body is so desolate

and thirsty.

and I wish I could have breathed in

for a just moment longer

or longer.


M – Poetry Observed (Hinges)

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I stand vertical holding in the air I’ve just inhaled,

here I wait for the exhalation that your touch will bring as

fingertips brush the backs of my heels.

Slowly out of the warmth of my hinges the small of my back

emerges as the ground your feet covet


I sink into you,

as you into me

(I am in your hands)


Soon my field of vision flows in a backwards incline,

neck draping gingerly as I become buoyant atop your two

sturdy stacked trunks

I allow myself to breathe, coaxing my spine to sink into the ease of an arch


As hands find the shallows of my collar bone we sink deeper,

legs seep down with gravity,

we descend deeper as I allow your ever shifting feet to

manipulate my petite frame.


This is a permeable game of trust,

the necessity for comfort-ability in the very real possibility of falling

Is here

a loss in grip, in footing, in breath

yet the counterbalance that is achieved sends me to flight

I am a bird

I feel strong


The wrought iron hinges of me,

bend to your warm milk of a touch

I meld into your depths,

the creases you create as tension eases all else.


y – poetry observed

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In this simple porcelain womb, I can truly be embodied

Releasing my belly

Relinquishing my breath

Retaliating my soul

Remembering my spirit.

Layers relax, skin opening

days shrugging off

shoulders a little lower

breath moving, no longer held so tightly

sinking out of lungs

surrendering them to the rest of humanity.


it is dark,

the sun does not allow you to move more quickly


in a timeless room.

held in this warm liquid

(I’m reminded)

watching the flickering shadows

hearing the tiny bubbles popping.


when she comes forth to speak,

and i’m ready to


all covered in rehydrated rose petals

-the tips of red cedar fronds,

frolicking on my sacred lawn.



B – Poem – Untitled #1


I dream

for a moment

and my skin slides off

my muscles as they drop

away from my bones

as they loosen my joints

as my mind exceeds

my body and I

disappear through the thick

of my thoughts that trail

after a memory that covers

the land that stretches out

over and back

into my body

and I feel that tiny burst

of relief as time lets go

and I fall free

and unfinished to tangle

with leaves in the tree.