Category Archives: poetry

Here is where you’ll categorize poetry posts during your field study. A minimum goal is one poem per week, 4 total, posted by Monday PM midnight. One of your four poems must be posted in a “Poetry Observed” video format ( The goal is to perform your poetry in situ—within the context of your passionate immersion.

Q- 99% practice 1% theory…

I should have just made the damn quilt.




Pele, yells at me, for taking the easy road.

I am an escape artist. A royal escape artist, with so much fear around commitment.

I am running in the wind, I am free, I am pushing the boundaries.



take notice, take heed.

my legs were so tired from all of the standing still.

Our bodies are our temples

our village, our center, our body

who cares what you are or aren’t doing. You are.


your chaos.



Week 7 Poetry

The passion of the world

like gravity

tugs at our rags

and magnetizes us.


That which makes us tame

and unraveled and untame

with its limits and its



Strange little prince

who tugs at my rags

and asks me to be there.


In some way

the world wants us.



Week 8 Poetry


God, you’re a vampire

sucking my blood.

You’re eating me up


The world’s full of campfires

Lights in the night

Keep you’re head up


We roam the night

with our hands tightly tied

In search of a bite

to fill our appetites

There’s a sliver of light

from the hole from the knife

It proves that you’re human

and everything’s alright.

Everything’s alright


And the storm moved in

with a phantom wind

like the sickness under your skin


My body’s a vampire

It’s sucking my blood

I’m eating me up


My heart’s not a vampire

It’s pumping my blood

spreading the love


We roam the night

with our hands tightly tied

In search of a bite

with our eyes open wide

There’s a sliver of light

from the hole from the knife

It proves that you’re human

and everything’s alright

Everything’s alright


And the storm moved in

with a phantom wind

Like the silence under yours skin


My heart’s not a vampire

it’s pumping my blood

spreading the love



M – Week 6 (Fed by Touch)

Nourished by movement, my body is fed by touch

a delectable treat that leaves my physique to salivate in the anticipation of it all.

I lay supine as you move each tensile limb of mine,

your passive flexion courts my figure to stay limp,

rolling and strumming the superficial fibers of me.

From bone

to muscle

to tendon

to tissue, I awaken.

A hum of light emanates from my solar plexus ,

a fingertip steadily coasting along the upturned underbelly of my forearm leads cells to dilate

(I imagine that your hands dream of this.)

A rapid pulsing trickles down my spine in wavering bliss,

coaxing skin to blush, now our largest supple organ.

The simple, gentle work of fingers awakens the possibility of an intertwining of bodies,

(A simultaneous feast).

Body echoes body,

body becomes body as the pounding of hearts dissolves into one.

This one body now hovers, it whisks and turns in a vortex of vibration,

A field

A shield

We have detached from ourselves in a single exhalation,

yet my inhalation serves as the water one needs to survive.

This is where the soul and body bask.

In tangible pleasure.


M – Week 7 Poem (My Body in the State of this World)

The water inside of me

creates a riptide, a vortex of brewing.

A dangerous seething weapon.

The liquid that I am

 wills my bones to rise from deep

within their marrow.

I have no absence of worry,

I feel no absence of tension.

We are a clinging species,

a kind who moves with a smog ridden

veil over their emerald eyes.

An all-smothering kind

that is leading our mother to atrophy.

The muscles that propel me seem to ache

more frequently, as

fists clench with ease I feel my insides stir, 

yet the squirming jolts suddenly cease.

I pause.

A rush of stillness leaches into me,

I pause.

Irises fixate on two palms

Cupping nothing but the air surrounding.

I am reminded by this familiar sight,

I am reminded that my body resides in this

fading space.

I am reminded that I am,

That I was made to move.

So I do just that.

I fling myself from moment to moment

Tip-toeing round’ the latent bits of green dampness I find,

and residing there for hours on end.

The liquid that I am rises from deep within,

wills the marrow in my bones to


to activate my tactile senses and

meld my naked body into the

ground below me.

I will nourish you,

Reign me in, eat me whole,

But first let me dance for you.


M – Week 8 Poem (Hinges)

I stand vertical holding in the air I’ve just inhaled,

here I wait for the exhalation that your touch will bring as

fingertips brush the backs of my heels.

Slowly out of the warmth of my hinges the small of my back

emerges as the ground your feet covet


I sink into you,

as you into me

(I am in your hands)


Soon my field of vision flows in a backwards incline,

neck draping gingerly as I become buoyant atop your two

sturdy stacked trunks

I allow myself to breathe, coaxing my spine to sink into the ease of an arch


As hands find the shallows of my collar bone we sink deeper,

legs seep down with gravity,

we descend deeper as I allow your ever shifting feet to

manipulate my petite frame.


This is a permeable game of trust,

the necessity for comfort-ability in the very real possibility of falling

Is here

a loss in grip, in footing, in breath

yet the counterbalance that is achieved sends me to flight

I am a bird

I feel strong


The wrought iron hinges of me,

bend to your warm milk of a touch

I meld into your depths,

the creases you create as tension eases all else.


*** Still a work in progress, this will go along with my Poetry Observed piece

o is for ocean

O – waterbodies III

Of the body,
the belly identifies best with the sea.
The belly identifies best with the sea, where the closed-sphere skull and the rib-cage gradually open, one unfurling rib-finger by one to the breathing fluid belly.
The belly identifies best with the sea at the opening of the sea-sky fold, when forest or city draws back its curtains and all senses reroute to the belly via the heart.

The belly and the sea know the vulnerability and depth of breath.
The belly and the sea know the language of sensitive salt fluids.
The belly and the sea know the adequate degree of ripeness.

In the visceral language of belly and sea, spirals whisper fluids and resonate waves.
In the language of viscera, vowels are round pebbles rolled in the mouth,
syntax is the churning of shore waves,
and flirtation is the palpitation of sun-lit wavelets.

In the search for renewal, the belly and the sea find
that that which is in the process of becoming is most



****still a work in progress, not sure how to end it.


Other Poetry



To you,

the kid’s crazy

like stars’ dazzling sentence

purple, and

flashing internally

the moon as punctuation(.)









Earthen lungs,

the ground breathes

and blows kisses to the dragon in the sky.

Bow to this,





Fog intangible,

tangle me until

my first taste of sight.




The sun cast shadows

and I was one of them.

Not a shadow.

Not a sun.


I was the casting


the lengthening of evening,

the coaxing of the chord

that makes the knot

