Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

Course Reading Terminology

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Internet: Knowledge and Community


Social and Political Philosophy Readings

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Gurstein article on Community Informatics

Putnam, "Social Capital"

Kemmis, "Community and the Politics of Place"

Graham, "The Internet"

Hospers, "The Libertarian Manifesto"

Rawls, "The Idea of Justice"

Gutmann and Thompson, "Moral Deliberation and Democracy"

Bruce, "From Hull House to Paseo Boricua: The Theory and Practice of Community Inquiry"

De Cindio and Schuler, "Deliberation and Community Networks: A Strong Link Waiting to be Forged'

Schuler, "New Community Networks"

Schuler, "Extending Engagement"

Schuler, "Community and Technology"

Young, "Communication and the Other"

Oldenburg, "The Great Good Place"

Mark Granovetter, “Strong and Weak Ties”

MacIntyre, selection from "Dependent Rational Animals"