Remember that each student is responsible for reading the seminar book and actively participating in the seminar discussion, even if he or she does not have an assigned role for that seminar!
FACILITATORS – work as a team so communicate/meet before seminar
- Identify major themes/questions
- Poll the class to identify other themes/questions
- Lead/manage the discussion by: prioritizing list, coordinating discussion (small groups discussion Vs all class discussion), ensuring equal participation and etc.
- Time manage. Make sure important themes are covered and that there are ~10 min left at the end for synthesis
- Each student identifies their own essay theme/question. The writing should not be descriptive summarizing the reading but analytical addressing a thesis (proposition maintained/supported by logical argument). You can focus on a specific aspect of the reading or examine connections to program themes or current issues. The essay should not be longer that 3 pages double-spaced.
- For Tue essayists, the first draft is due Sun 8pm. The final draft is due by 6pm Tue.
- For Thu essayists, the first draft is Tue by 6pm. The final draft is due by 6pm Thu.
- First and final drafts are to be uploaded to the moodle. Hard copy of final drafts should also be brought to seminar on the day due. Gerardo prefers electronic copies of your final essay – submit to on the due date.
- Keep notes of the seminar discussion. These should not be a play-by-play account of seminar but a record of ideas, insights, answers to questions, questions for next seminar (if on the same book), and etc.
- Provide a brief 2-3 min synthesis report at the end of seminar
- Compare notes with other scribe and produce a joint summary to be loaded into moodle
- Each scribes also provides feedback for the two essayists. The feedback is due Mon by 8 PM for Tue essayist and Wed by 8 PM for the Thu essayist.
- Bring ideas for discussion
- Participate in discussion and contribute to the synthesis report