Category Archives: logs


L – Week 8 log


February 25th

5 hours: Reading
1 hours: Listening to The Doors
2 hours: Drafting

February 26th

2 hours: Reading
2hours: Working on Holdrege
1 hours: Drafting
3 hours: Watching Interviews

February 27th

11/2 hours: Working on Holdrege
2 hours: Drafting
3 hours: Reading

February 28th

2 hours: Listening to the Doors
2 hours: Journaling
4 hour: Reading

March 1st

1 hours: Working on Holdrege
11/2 hours: Drafting
2 hour: Reading

March 2nd

3 hours: Listening to The Doors
1 hours: Reading
21/2 hours: Drafting

March 3rd

1 hours: Journaling
1 hour: Working on Holdrege
11/2 hours: Finish “No one gets out of here alive”


This week: 44

Cumulative Total: 165.5

Reading List:
The Lords
The New Creatures
The American Night
No One Gets Out of Here Alive



B – Week 8 Logs

Week 8 Logs:

 Monday February 25th

.5 hours – researching Charles Bernstine.

2 hours – writing and posting seminar pass.

1 hour – spent time in sauna thinking about breath, body and journaling about sweat.

3.5 hour – writing term paper draft.

.5 hours – writing and editing poems.

.5 hours – reading.

Tuesday February 26th

2 hours – reading.

2 hours – derive. Walking through neighborhoods/downtown,

1 hour – journaling about the need for nature in the city whether on purpose or by natures own force, thoughts on Reverie chapter.

1 hour – reading/responding/joining seminar.

2 hour – working on term paper draft.

.5 hours – looking through Poetry anthology.

Wednesday February 27th

1.5 hours – journaling about the map as a mirror of the brian, ways of writing poetry with and on a map, and ideas for how to structure term paper.

1.5 hour – reading.

.5 hours – looking over e-alphabet

1 hour – writing and revising poems! (finally)

1 hour – writing Bachelardian reverie.

4 hours – working on term paper draft, reviewing journal entries.

Thursday February 28th

5 hours – studio time. Printing and filming video for poetry observed.

2 hours – writing draft of term paper.

.5 hours – revising poems.

Friday March 1st

1 hour – reading poetry.

1 hour – writing term paper draft.

.5 hours – revising poems.

Saturday March 2nd

2.5 hours – working on term paper draft.

Sunday March 3rd

1 hour – messing with poetry observed video (trying to get it to show up in the right place)

6 hours – writing term paper draft.


This week: 45.5

Cumulative total: 179.5

 Reading List:

The Poetics of Reverie – Bachelard.

The Molecular Gaze, Art in The Genetic Age – Suzanne Anker, Dorothy Nelkin.

Science Within Art – Rhodes.

Poetry, a Pocket Anthology – R. S. Gwynn

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Pil – Week 8 Log

Monday February 25

4 hours working on seminar pass

1.5 hours journal writing

2.5 hours reading An American Gospel by Eric Reece

Tuesday February 26

4 hours working on seminar pass work

2.5 hours talking with my Father via telephone

1.5 hours reading An American Gospel

Wednesday February 27

5 hours working on Reverie

5 hours working on Term Paper

1.5 hours talking with my Father via Facetime


Thursday February 28

5 hours working on Term Paper

2 hours crafting poetry

2 hours reading An American Gospel 

Friday March 1

5 hours working on Term Paper

3 hours crafting poetry

Total Hours: 44.5


M – Week 8 Log

February 25th

1 hour – morning yoga

3 hours – reading

1.5 hour – preforming exercises in two books

2.5 hours – writing – poetry

2 hour – organizing term paper

February 26th

30 minutes – morning yoga

3 hours – reading

2 hours – organizing paper

1.5 hours – acrobatic yoga

February 27th

1 hour – morning yoga

2 hours – reading

3 hours – modern dance – ecstatic dance

1 hour – organizing paper

February 28th

1 hour – morning yoga

1.5 hours – reading

3 hours – writing – organizing paper

1 hour – preforming exercises in two of my books

March 1st

30 minutes – morning yoga

1.5 hours – reading

1 hour – organizing paper

2 hours – walk in the forest – meditation

30 minutes – preforming exercises in two of my books

March 2nd

1 hour – morning yoga

3.5 hours – organizing my paper

1.5 hours – stretching – isolated body movements

1 hour – reading

March 3rd 

30 minutes – morning yoga

1.5 hours – filming poetry observed

2 hours – forest beach walk

1 hour – stretching – dance



This week: 48 hours

Cumulative total: 216 hours

Reading List:

  • Body and Earth
  • Your Sacred Anatomy
  • Body Stories
  • Trail Guide to the Body: How to Locate Muscles, Bones & More!
  • Poetics of Reverie




R week 8 log

February 25th

  • 5hrs reading
  • 3hr writing and experimenting with different poetic formats

February 26th

  • 5hrs writing
  • 1hr – experimenting with html for presentation
  • 1hr with different freeware for video capture for poetry observed project

February 27th

  • 2 hrs rewriting and formulating a script for P.O proj.
  • 3 hrs of reading
  • 2hrs constructing poetry from abstract thoughts


February 28st

  • 1 hrs of reading
  • 5 hrs. of video recording and editing (freewear can be a pain)
  • 1hr of writing

March 1st

  • 5hrs of reading
  • 1hr more working out technical bugs!

March 2nd

  • 3hrs of writing

March 3rd

  • .5 hour – Word Press Work
  • 3 hours of final editing, filming, and bug fixing.


This week: 41.5hrs

Overall: 154 hrs

Reading List:

  • Industrial ruins
  • Reading in the Brain
  • Unoriginal Genius
  • The Poetics of Reverie
  • Ruins
e - thumbnail

E – Week 8 Log

February 25th

Seminar paper: 2 hours

Reading: 4 hours

Total: 6 hours

Weekly total: 6 hours

Texts: Reading and the Brain, Unoriginal Genius

February 26th

Seminar participation: 1 hour

Editing: 4 hours

Reading: .5 hour

Total: 5.5 hours

Weekly total: 11.5 hours

February 27th

Discussion participation: .5 hour

Paper writing: 1 hour

Logistics, organizing, preparing: 1 hour

Reading: 1 hour

Texts: Writing Books that Make a Difference

Total: 3.5 hours

Weekly total: 15 hours

February 28th

Reading: 1 hour

Editing: 2 hours

Feedback/Meeting: 1 hour

Total: 4 hours

Weekly total: 19 hours

Texts: Writing Books that Make a Difference

March 1st 

Reading: 2 hours

Paper writing:  4 hours

Networking: 1 hour

Total: 7

Weekly total: 26

Texts: Writing Books that Make a Difference

March 2nd:

Paper writing: 2 hours

Logistics and organizing: 1 hour

Poetry writing: 2 hours

Total: 5 hours

Weekly total: 31 hours

Master total: 180.5 hours


Y – Log Week 8!

February 25th

1 hour – Read Annie Sprinkle articles on ‘sex and breath’ and ‘orgasms’

1 hour – Read Bachelard

1 hour – Read Cunt by Inga Muscio

2 hours – Writing 7steps to delicate empiricism paper

.5 – Begin to outline presentation

1 hour – interview with Annie Sprinkle! and post interview notes

1.5 hours – Dance! 5rhythms practice, Deep embodiment under the full moon!

February 26th

1 hour – Working on Bibliography

1 hour – Reading Bachelard

2 hours – Reading about traditional indigenous birth ceremonies in Red Medicine.

2 hours – Writing 7 Steps of Delicate Empiricism

February 27th

2 hours – reading bachelard /writing reverie

4 hours – Good in bed/Good in birth: oxytocin, intimacy and the animal brain workshop

1 hour – herbal homework

February 28th

4 hours – writing 7 steps to delicate empiricism

3 hours – research and writing on anemia for herbal apprenticeship

March 1st

4 hours – Herbal Apprenticeship

1 hour – reading poems and stories on

1 hour – writing poetry

2 hours – editing seven steps to empiricism

1 hour – reading Phenomenology of Perception

March 2nd – Taking care of the body

3 hours – rendering fats for herbal salves! (herbal apprenticeship)

1 hour – Reading about Yarrow

March 3rd

4 hours – Writing paper

1 hour – Infusing fat with Yarrow for herbal apprenticeship homework

1 hour – filming and posting poetry observed piece

Hours This Week: 47

Total Hours: 167

Reading List:

  • The Secret Teachings of Plants
  • Phenomonology of Perception
  • The Laugh of the Medusa
  • Herbal Healing for Women
  • Cunt
  • The Poetics of Reverie

P(r) – Week 8 Log

Monday 2-25-13:  1/4 hr e-cises, 1/4 hr vocal exercise, 1/2 hr belly dance, 3 1/2 hr reading Grandmother’s Secrets, 1/2 hr WordPress, 2 hr seminar.  Total:  7 hours

Tuesday 2-26-13:  1/2 hr Morning Pages, 1/4 vocal exercises, 1/4 e-cises, 2 hr Holdrege paper, 1 hr walking meditation, 1 hr seminar, 2 hr read Bachelard.  Total:  7 hours

Wednesday 2-27-13:  1/2 hr Morning Pages, 1/4 e-cises, 1 1/2 belly dance, 1/4 voice, 1 read Affect Theory Reader, 1 seminar.  Total:  4.5 hours

Thursday 2-28-13:  1/4 e-cises, 1/2 MP, 1/4 meditation, 1 belly dance, 1 walking meditation, 3 writing poetry/Holdrege, 1/4 voice, 2 reading For Space and Noe.  Total:  8.25 hours

Friday 3-1-13:  1/4 e-cises, 1/2 MP, 1.5 bellydance, 1 walking meditation, 5 writing poetry/Holdrege, 1/4 voice.  Total:  8.5

Saturday 3-2-13:  1/4 e-cises, 1/2 MP, 1 bellydance, 1/2 meditation, 7 Holdrege, 1/4 voice.  Total:  9.5

Total:  44.75 hours


W – Week 5 Log

February 5th (Evergreen campus to Port Townsend, WA)

6 hrs: on the road

3 hrs: reading

1 hr: journaling

1 hr: Bachelardian reverie

February 6th (Port Townsend to Port Angeles, WA)

7 hrs: on the road

1 hr: Interviewing locals in Port Angeles who I stayed with that night

1 hr: reading

.5 hr: journaling

February 7th (Port Angeles to Hoh Rainforest)

5 hrs: on the road

1.5 hrs: hiking alone through the rainforest

4 hrs: reading

1 hr: journaling

.5 hr: writing poetry

February 8th (Hoh Rainforest to Long Beach, WA)

8 hrs: on the road

1.5 hrs: reading

.5 hr: journaling

1 hr: hike on the beach

February 9th (Long Beach to Lincoln City, OR)

5.5 hrs: on the road

3 hrs: reading

2 hrs: journaling/writing



This week: 54 hours

Cumulative total: 54 hours

Reading List:

The Hobbit, The Tao Te Ching, The Poetics of Reverie, Unoriginal Genius, Reading in the Brain


W – Week 6 Log

February 10th (Lincoln City to Tugman State Park/Coos Bay, OR)

6 hours: Hitchhiking

2 hours: reading

1 hour: writing

1/2 hour: watching the ocean

February 11th (Tugman State Park/Coos Bay to Bandon. OR/Commune)


6 hours: Hitchhiking
1 hour: playing music with people on the commune
2 hours: reading
1 hour: walking through a meditation garden
.5 hours: writing

February 12th (Bandon/Commune to Arcata, CA)

1 hour: gardening

3 hours: talking with the head of the commune

3 hours: hitchhiking

3 hours: riding buses

2 hours: reading

1 hour: writing/homework

February 13th (Arcata, CA)

3 hours: reading

2 hours: walking/hiking

2 hours: writing/homework

February 14th (Arcata to Mendocino, CA)

2 hours: rideshare

1 hour: reading

.5 hours: writing

2 hours: watching a comedy performance

1 hour: playing music/singing with an old friend

February 15th (Mendocino to San Francisco, CA)

4 hours: hitchhiking

1 hour: riding a bus

1 hour: riding in my friend’s car to San Francisco

.5 hours: reading

February 16th (San Francisco to Santa Barbara, CA)

5 hours: driving with my friends to Santa Barbara
1 hour: reading
1 hour: homework/writing



This week: 60 hours

Cumulative total: 104 hours

Reading List:

the hobbit, the toa te ching, the poetics of reverie, reading in the brain