Category Archives: logs

E – Week 3 Log

How to Survive Being Blessed – 20 hours

The story is starting to come along. I’m working on the second draft of a couple of people, Mauri/Auntie being one of them. It’s tough going, because for right now I’m just trying to get everything out and this story is turning out to be so much bigger than I imagined. It’s still fun, still amazing, still rewarding, and it’s especially awesome now that I’m starting to get into the rhythm. It’s starting to look like I might have to rewrite Colin’s piece in order to have it fit in with the rest of the story, but other than that, it’s looking good.

Monday – 4 hours

Tuesday – 6 hours

Wednesday – 5 hours

Friday – 5 hours

Class work – 15 hours

The poetry workshop this week was phenomenal. Watching everyone perform was fantastic, and it was even more amazing because of the way everyone reacted to my poetry observed video. Seminar was, as always, enlightening and it’s interesting for me to realize that I’m much less of a science person than I assumed I was. Rose is still incredibly dense and difficult for me to get through, and I don’t understand why he doesn’t try to make his writing clearer. Howe was equally dense, but somehow made my head hurt less. Maybe because Howe is the type of writing where if you relax and let it hit you it makes sense. Where as Rose is just…. Dense. Very, very dense unnecessarily.

Sunday – 4 hours

Monday – 3 hours

Tuesday – 6 hours

Thursday – 2 hours

Publishing – 5 hours

Met with Sean Williams who showed me how to ePublish. It looks like it could be a good option, although I would have to do much of my own promotion. There’s some basic steps I could take and my manuscript is going to need more editing before that happens. Also met with Sandra Yannone at the writing center and she gave me some excellent advice about finding and researching places like journals or magazines that would be more likely to publish my work. As it was, I also spent about three hours proof-reading it again and there are apparently still typos. Fun times. I think I need to get some fresh eyes on it because I am absolutely sick to death of it at this point.

Tuesday – 2 hours

Friday – 3 hours

Total: 40 hours

Cumulative total: 151

Week 3 Log

April 15th

  • 2hrs reading

  • 2 hours  Monday class yoga session

April 16th

  • 3 hours working with photography/ getting acquainted with the new Photoshop

  • .5 hr – Reading and Responding to Seminar Passes

  • 1hr experimenting with sonnets

April 17th

  • 1hr self-meditation

  • 0.5 hrs free writing on meditation

  • 2hrs constructing poetry from abstract thoughts from med. and free writing

  • 2 hrs reading

April 18th

  • 5 hrs of reading

  • 1hr of writing

April 19th

  • 3 hrs of reading

  • 1hr of writing

  • 1hr of trip planning for next week

April 20th

  • 4 hrs reading

  • 2 hrs online research into ghost towns of WA, OR, and ID

  • .5 hours —Wordpress work

April 21st

  • .5 hour – Word Press Work


This week: 32hrs

Reading List:

  • Industrial ruins

  • Ruins

  • Meditation in a new york minute

  • Zen Master Raven

  • Guide to the ruins: poems  by Howard Nemerov

Work Cited

Works Cited

Gardner, Howard. The Arts and Human Development. New York: Basic, 1994. Print.

Gardner, Howard. Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing Our Own and Other People’s Minds. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 2004. Print.

Oswalt, Angela. “CHILD & ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT: OVERVIEW.” Gulf Bend MHMR Center (n.d.): n. pag. Gulf Bend MHMR Center. Web. 2013.

Bibliography in progress APA 6th Edition Format

Howe, S. (2003). The Midnight. New York: New Directions.

Jacobs, J.S. & Jacobs, D. T. (2001). Teaching Virtues: Building Character Across the Curriculum. Lanham: Scarecrow Press.

Lawrence, J. (1999). Argument for Action: Ethics and Professional Conduct. Brookfield: Ashgate Publishing Company.

Gardner, H. (1994). The Arts and Human Development. New York: Basic Books




Ta- Week 8 Log

  • 10 hours reading – The Way of Tarot, The Metabarons (A. Jodorowsky);  Our Dreaming Mind (R. van de Castle); The Sacred and the Profane, The Forge and the Crucible (M. Eliade); Semiotics (Daniel Chandler); The Poetics of Reverie (G. Bachelard)
  • 4 hours conversation on Tarot, the archetypes and the unconscious
  • 6 hours Tarot familiarization – mandala construction, meditation, and writing
  • 3 hours practice reads with friends
  • 4 hours poetry, reverie, and writing inspired by Tarot
  • 3 hours note taking and review
  • 8 hours writing and editing term paper
  • 3 hours editing video for poetry observed
  • 2 hours editing wordpress

Total – 40 hours


Ta – Week 7 Log

  • 12 hours reading – The Way of Tarot, The Metabarons (A. Jodorowsky); Interpreting the Signs of the Times: Beyond Jung, The Magician in the World: Becoming, Creativity, and Transversal Communication (I. Semetsky); Our Dreaming Mind (R. van de Castle); The Sacred and the Profane, The Forge and the Crucible (M. Eliade); Semiotics (Daniel Chandler); The Castle of Crossed Destinies (I. Calvino); The Poetics of Reverie (G. Bachelard)
  • 4 hours paper outline and brainstorm
  • 5 hours Tarot familiarization – mandala construction, meditation, writing.
  • 3 hours practice reads with friends
  • 6 hours poetry, reverie, and writing inspired by Tarot
  • 2 hours note taking and review
  • 3 hours research online for poetry observed (vimeo account, etc)
  • 3 hours preparing for and filming poetry observed

Total – 38 hours

Ml – Week 8 log

February 25th

1 hour – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Reading “Reading in the Brain”
1 hour – Studying lyrics “Nas Week”

1 hour – Writing and posting weekly seminar passage

February 26th

2 hours – Reading “Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop”

3 hours – Recording session

February 26th

1 hour – Writing Holdrege paper

30 minutes – Contributing to virtual seminar and commenting on sem passes

February 27th

1 hours – Reading “Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy”

1.5 hours – Writing lyrics

February 28th

2 hours – Writing Holdrege paper, started over

March 1st

3 hours – Recording session, poetry observed

March 2nd

1 hour – Writing lyrics, preparing for presentation

2 hours – Writing Holdrege paper


This week: 22.5

Cumulative total: 114

Reading List:

Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy


co – week 8 log

February 24th

7 hours – Interviewing Tammy and Quinten Butler

February 25th

3 hours reading – Hebdige

3 hours – writing term paper

2 hours – listening to music

February 26th

1.5 hours – watching “who killed Nancy?

3 hours – writing poetry

February 27th

2 hours – shopping for canvas

2 hours – mapping out drawings

4 hours – reading Biel

4 hours- listening to music

 February 28th

2 hours- drawing

2 hours – reading Debord

1 hours – notes

5 hours- editing videos

February 29th

7 hours –  editing videos

February 30th

3 hours – editing videos

5 hours – reading and writing poetry


This week:56.5

Cumulative total: 208.45 hours

Reading List:

  • Beyond the Music: How punks are saving the world with DIY Ethics, Skills & Values by Joe Biel
  • Subculture the meaning of style by Dick Hebdige
  • Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord
o is for ocean

O – Week 8 Log

Week 8

Monday, February 25
traveled to Olympia
3 hours reading and writing seminar pass

Tuesday, February 26
2 hours water surface study and meditation
2 hours online reading interview about poetry/science memoir of orcas, uploading to my blog, reading about the senses
1 hour writing about body and art
1 hour reading and responding to seminar

Wednesday, February 27
.5 hour editing photos
.5 hour reading H.D.’s Trilogy
1 hour looking at seascape painters (see blog)
2 hours writing
2 hours reading Reverie

Thursday, February 28
3 hours taking notes and writing Reverie
1 hour researching art online
2 hours writing poetry
2 hours working on paper
1 hour reading Leaves of Grass out loud

Friday, March 1
2 hours editing photos
1 hour posting to blog
1 hour reading Turner book
2 hours writing

Saturday, March 2
2 hours field water reverie
3 hours working on paper
1 hour posting to blog
1 hour looking at Turner seascapes

Sunday, March 3
6 hours writing, note-taking and figuring out what to do for a paper
1 hour poetry observed recording
1 hour sorting out blog posts
2 hour online research of water art

Total: 46
Total Cumulative: 160


Reading List

Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Trilogy by H.D.
Turner: the Late Seascapes
Poetics of Reverie by Gaston Bachelard
Unoriginal Genius by Marjorie Perloff
Reading on the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene
for online resources see