Category Archives: logs

I-week 5 log

this is a synopsis from journal notes throughout the week. I spent about 4 hours a day on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and 2 hours on Saturday sifting through my massive new book, “The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake.” There’s a lot in there and it was hard to decide where to start and how to go about studying him. I guess what’s most striking to me is his flow of illumination–I don’t know what it is yet, but from the way he writes, I can tell he was in a state of reverie, or a shamanic trance state (all really the same) and that (important part) the words that come out in his poetry follow from that state; in other words, the material element of his poetry is secondary to the mode of consciousness through which they derived. This, I believe, is a crucial axiom of shamanic poetry and therefore, the Bardic tradition.

Staples: that was easy!

Week 4 log

April 22th

  • 3hrs reading The last Myth
  • 2 hours  Monday class  session
  • 2 hours writing

April 23th

  • 1.5hr Class seminar
  • 1hr comp. lab w/class
  • 3.5hrs collectively reading Ruins, The last myth, Neuro, the Midnight and some Lord Byron sprinkled here and there.

April 24th

  • 1.5hrs writing workshop
  • 1.5hrs artist lecture series
  • 3hrs reading Byron and the ruins of Paradise and rereading the Midnight

April 25th

  • 1hr my poets—was half hour late to class due to car trouble
  • 2hr micro lecture/seminar
  • 4hr reading The Last myth, Meditation in a NY minute, Ruins and Byron

April 26th

  • 4hrs learning more about photoshop on lynda
  • 2hrs of writing

April 27th

  • 2hrs writing
  • 4hrs of online research into Alzheimer’s, Mental illness, neurobiology, Ruins.

April 28st

  • 2hrs collectively looking for ruins in Olympia, Mcleary, Satsop
  • Car broke down in Satsop, WA!…….not a fun thing to have happen but it is just  one of the many joys of owning a car. Got stranded without my homework materials, will post all on April 29th, 2013 after typing it all up. Sorry.


This week: 40

Reading List:

  • The Last Myth by Mathew Gross and Mel Gilles
  • Byron and the Ruins of Paradise by Johns Hopkins
  • Ruins
  • Meditation in a New York minute
  • The Midnight
  • Neuro

E – Week 4 Log

How to Survive Being Blessed – 20 hours

It’s coming along fairly well. Managed to get another twenty or so pages written. Chapter 1 comes in at twenty six pages, and it’s kind of depressing. I guess I knew that when I started writing Mauri’s piece, but it’s just kind of brutal. Still in a fairly rough draft, but it’s better than what I started with and it has a coherent timeline now. A bit stuck at the moment, because I’m trying to have time elapse without reverting into a mode where I tell the writer everything instead of showing them, but considering the page count and how much left I have to tell, it’s kind of necessary. I’m still amazed at how much the writing flows and how much I enjoy it, even though so much is happening to the character. I feel like I’m going an alright job showing all of these intense emotions, but I haven’t had anyone willing to read my handwritten drafts yet, so that I will have to wait and see about.

Monday – 5 hours

Tuesday – 6 hours

Wednesday – 4 hours

Friday – 5 hours

Class Work – 13 Hours

Haven’t been able to keep up with the class work as much due to failing physical health. I have a meeting Monday 2 p.m with Meredith at the disabilities office to see what needs to be done. It isn’t so much that I haven’t been doing the work, or been trying to do the work to the best of my ability as just I can’t physically go out to go to class, which is why there is the reduced time. Spent a lot of this weekend doing all of the reading. I really enjoyed the Neuro, and the way that it looks at how we see mental illness. Writing the conversations is still something that I enjoy, trying to find the voices of the authors and capture them for the page. The Susan Howe was equally amazing, although it was a bit hard to follow, to see how all of the pieces connect. At any rate, after this week, I will probably have to revise my contract in order to accommodate for my healthy.

Sunday – 5 hours

Monday – 4 hours

Tuesday – 4 hours

Publishing – 10 Hours

Ended up spending way more time than I expected on this project this week. When I met with Sandra at the writing center she suggested a great resource, The Writer’s Market, which I used to research different publishing avenues for my book. Originally, she was thinking that it would do better in a literary journal or magazine, but the word count means that it doesn’t really fit into either. There is a short list of publishers that I found that work with either novella length pieces or transgender works. Now I need to write a cover letter, a synopsis, and a bio of myself. I also need to do research on all of these different publishers to make sure my cover letter is selling what they want to buy. This is going to take way more time than I originally anticipated, just in researching all of the publishers and writing all of this stuff that has to be revised over and over again. I met with Sandra twice in fairly quick succession, but she is too busy to meet with me during week five. She also wanted to make sure that I had enough time to get all of my writing done and she had enough time to read more than a few pages of my draft so I am meeting with her again Wednesday of Week 6. She also enjoyed what she had read of my work, telling me that she actually wanted to continue reading which is a pleasure and something of a rarity for her. I’m actually starting to feel like there might be people willing to pay to read my book.

Wednesday – 4 hours

Thursday – 2 hours

Friday – 4 hours


Total: 43 hours

Cumulative: 194


Week 4 Logs.

Week 4:

Monday, April 22

½ hour – touching up draft of Seminar Pass.

6 ½ hours – drafting sections of anthology/touching up introduction.

2 hours – Peer review and somatic exercise.

½ hour – revising draft of Seminar Pass and posting to forum.

Tuesday, April 23

1 hour – posting weekly logs to eAlphabet.

5 ½ hours – Core component: lecture on Perloff talking about Howe’s The Midnight, meanings matter: minds mediation by/through objects. Performance: Russian poetry. Seminar on Perloff/Neuro, renegotiating class schedule.

4 hours – revising/and drafting anthology.

½ hour – meeting with contract sponsor.

1 hour – reading The Midnight.

Wednesday, April 24

1 hour – reading The Midnight.

3 ½ hours – anthology work, “cementing” in quotes.

1 ½ hours – Artist lecture: Eirik Steinhoff.

Thursday, April 25

4 hours – Anthology. Moving through the sections adding quotes and tying them together. Sent out “last-call” for papers and poems.

2 ½ hours – reading The Midnight

½ hour – reading aloud anthology.

Friday, April 26

½ hour – making small edits to anthology.

Saturday, April 27

½ hour – adding in more quotes and dialogue.

½ hour – finished reading The Midnight

Sunday, April 28

2 ½ hours – reading Neuro

1 ½ hours – writing seminar pass.

4 ½ hours – working on anthology: finishing out the last two steps in the first section, writing preface to part two, selecting work from reveries and poetry, looking up images for cover art inspiration.

Weekly Totals: 44 ½ hours

Cumulative Totals: 130.5 hours

V – Log Week 4

April 23rd – 7 hours

Read Alphabet Versus the Goddess by Shlain

Responded with poetry and transers, playing with harmonizing word and image.

Posted on WordPress


April 24 – 8 Hours

Read Shlain

Paper on Healing (Poetically)

Pottery, woven “basket” and glazing pieces.

April 25th – 3 hours

Reading Shlain and Perillo

April 26th – 5 hours 

Herbal class – focus on wise woman weeds , including Plantain, Horsetail and Cleavers.

Dandelion harvest, cleaning the vessel of the garden, and poetry response

April 27th – 5 hours

Reading “On the Possible Spectrums of Death”

Reading “The Vegetative Soul”

Poetry on: death.  In response to thoughts provoked by Perillo’s works, recycling thoughts about a friends death through poetry.

April 28th – 7 hours

Reading “The Vegetative Soul”

In Ceramics Studio, making vessel’s for tea. Shapes inspired by poppy capsules, using foraged plants as a statement of my femininity, inspired by reading “The Alphabet Versus the Goddess.”

Read Article for mid-eval

Read “Centering” and wrote poetry on forming vessels today with my eyes closed.

Total hours this week: 35 hours

V – Week 3 Log

Week 3 Log of Hours/Work

April 15th – 5 hours

I worked on my ILC, fresh back from the Hoh rainforest with lots of inspiration in my pocket!

I also read Centering by M.C. Richards on this day.

April 16th – 7 hours

In class, 9:30 to 12, Back for meeting at 3:30-5

I also sat on the ceramics wheel and worked with the letter A, i then wrote about this experience and tied it to Centering. (see Poetry, Plants and Letters post)

April 17th – 6 hours

I took the morning to read from Centering and wrote about what i read.  I then went to the Evergreen Ceramics studio and worked on a few pieces and got introduced to the studio!  I then went and saw Girl Rising! a traveling film that played at school, about the importance of girls being educated and the difference it can make for communities.  I was deeply inspired by the young Poet from Peru.

April 18th – 5 hours

In class workshopping with Sam Cook and Michael Lee, so amazing!

Plant Profile, Dandelion! (Wood and Ink) also see post about Dandelions.

April 19th – 5 Hours

Herbal Apprenticeship, talking about Alder (Alnus rubra and our ideas on healing)

Total this week: 28 hours


Ab – Week 3 Logs.

Week 3:

Monday, April 15

2 hours – organizing type at Sherwood Press.

2 hours – peer review and yoga.

½ hour – editing seminar pass.

1 ½ hours – talking about and further planning the anthology.

½ hour – finding and posting a new letter image for the blog.

1 ½ hours – working on anthology.

Tuesday, April 16

6 hours – Tuesday core component. Susan Howe lecture and recitation of students work, seminar on Susan Howe’s “My Emily Dickinson” and “Neuro” chapter 2.

1 hour – Meeting with Sara Martin to discuss anthology.

½ hour – reading essays for anthology material.

1 hour – reading Material Feminism (introduction.)

Wednesday, April 17

1 hour – Participated in the Calculated Poetics variation on “Excerscises In Style.”

3 ½ hours – anthology: reading students poetry and drafting introduction.

2 hours – reading The Elements Of Typographic Style (Chapters 1 & 4)

Thursday, April 18

4 hours – anthology: reading students poetry writing draft of introduction.

1 ½ hours – reading Unoriginal Genious

2 ½ – putting away type at Sherwood Press.

Friday, April 19

½ hour – posting new letter to eAlphabet

½ hour – reading Unoriginal Genious

2 ½ hours – revising introduction.

Saturday, April 20

1 hour – revising introduction and beginning to draft the Holdgrege sections.

2 ½ hours – writing draft of part one in the anthology.

Sunday, April 21

3 hours – reading: Unoriginal Genious and Neuro, Ch. 3

4 ½ hours – revising introduction for anthology and part of section 1.

2 hours – writing seminar pass.

Weekly Total: 47 ½ hours

Cumulative Totals: 86 hours



Ab – Week 2 Logs.

Week 2:

Monday 8 – Wednesday 10

Field trip to Hoh Rainforest and Copper Canyon Press.

Thursday, April 11th

2 ½ hours – reading and taking notes/creating prompts for poems.

2 hours – working on the anthology.

Friday, April 12th

½ hour – working on anthology.

Saturday, April 13th

3 hours – reading My Emily Dickinson.

Sunday, April 14th

3 ½ hours – reading My Emily Dickinson.

2 ½ hours – reading Neuro.

1 ½ hours – writing seminar pass.

Weekly Total: 15 ½ hours

Cumulative Total: 38 ½ hours


Ab – Week 1 Logs.

Week 1:

Monday, April 1

3 hours – reading Neuro and Perloff.

1 hour – writing seminar pass

½ hour – researching poet from Perloff.

2 hours – peer review session.

Tuesday, April 2

6 hours – core component. Lecture and seminar.

1 hour – reading essays for anthology.

Wednesday, April 3

2 hours – working on anthology. Reading poetry/essays/plugging into template.

½ hour – creating a weekly outline of goals for the anthology.

½ hour – Slightly West meeting.

Thursday, April 4

2 hours – plugging poetry and essays into template.

Friday, April 5

1 ½ hours – reading

Saturday, April 6

packing for field trip

Sunday, April 7

Packing for field trip

Weekly Total: 20 hours

Cumulative Total: 23 hours