Category Archives: logs

R week 5 log

February 4th

2 hours – Yoga/peer review @ Evergreen
2 hours – Reading the book Ruins
1 hours – Writing

February 5th

3 hours – derive to downtown Aberdeen -taking pictures of old structures along the waterfront    and chatting with other locals, and taking notes.

1 hour – writing about experience in town/ crafting half designed poems……needs more tweaking.

2 hours- reading

February 6th

4 hours reading

1 hour writing in journal

2 hours of online research into other ruins and urban wildscapes

February 7th

5 hours of derive and giving a tour of downtown Aberdeen

February 8th

3 hours reading

4 hours of Night time derive in Montesano + note taking + photography

2 hours of writing/editing

February 9th

3 hours of reading

2 hours of writing/editing


This week: 37

Cumulative total: ?

Reading List:

  • Ruins: Documents of Contemporary Art
  • Disturbing Structure: Reading the Ruin by Karen Dale and Gibson Burrell
  • Urban Wildscapes by Jorgensen, Anna, Keenan, Richard

Week 5 Log

Therapeutic Child Craft
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February 8th

4 hours – reading
2 hours – journaling about the relationship between the practice of arts and crafts during childhood as well as its influence on the human mind

2 hours hours –re-writing/organizing reading notes

February 9th

2 hours – derive – take note of things I was drawn to
1.5 hours – journaling – crafting notes into poem


This week: 8 hours

Cumulative total: 48 hours

Reading List:

The Arts and Human Development: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture
Poetics Bachelard
Beyond the Body Proper: Reading the Anthropology of Material Life
Note: Category is set to logs, tag is set to letter+logs.
This entry was posted in logs and tagged ag-logs on January 23, 2013 by Amy.


co-week 5 log

February 3rd

2.5 hours – researching bands and documentaries

February 4th

4 hours – reading (Biel)
2 hour – going through highlighted areas and taking notes (Biel)

February 5th

5 hours – listening to music ( Bikini Kill, Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols, Choking Victim, Leftover Crack)

February 6th

3.5 hours – writing down lyrics

3 hours – analyzing lyrics of Pulling on the Boots by Romper Stomper

.5 hours – learning the song Anarchy in the U.K. by Sex pistols (repeated writing of lyrics and verbal recitation of lyrics)

3 hours- writing poetry based on the music of the Sex Pistols

 February 7th

3 hours- shopping for canvas for artwork component of project ( didn’t find anything I liked, nothing big enough)


4 hours – reading (Hebdige)

.5 hours – notes (Hebdige)

February 8th

2 hours – trying to find any shows through Olympia to Seattle to attend (no luck yet)

4 hours – reading (Biel)

1.5 hours – listening to Black Flag

February 9th

2 hours – taking notes (Biel)

2 hours – revising poetry


This week: 42.5 hours

Cumulative total: 42.5 hours

Reading List:

  • Beyond the Music: How punks are saving the world with DIY Ethics, Skills & Values by Joe Biel
  • Subculture the meaning of style by Dick Hebdige
  • Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord

R – Practice weekly log post

“If in the late twentieth century, as Lyotard has claimed, architecture and philosophy lie in ruins, leaving us only with the option of a ‘writing of the ruins’ as a kind of micrology, then the question arises whether the tradition of modernist thought all the way into postmodernism is overshadowed by the catastrophic imagination and imaginary of ruins that has accompanied the trajectory of modernity since the eighteenth century.”       ~Andreas Huyssen

A thought provoking quote for the day.


L – Week 5 log

February 3rd

½ hour(s): Compiling Documentary Titles
(Bookmarking them, seeing worth my time etc.)

February 4th

2 ½ hours: Watching Documentaries
2 hours: Reading, underlining significant or jolting bits and copying inspiring bits 
11/2 hours: Notes about Jim

February 5th

4 hours: Reading 
3 hours: Drafting
2 hours: Bookmarking Morrison Interviews

February 6th

1 hours: Listening to The Doors (jotting lyrics that strike me)
2 hours: Writing out Jim and I’s similarities thus far
1 hour: Planning Poetry observed videos (will be doing 4)
2.5 hours: Reading

February 7th

2 hours: Drafting
2 hours: Reading and interacting with text
1 hour: Journaling of me and Jim

February 8th

11/2 hours: Listening to The Doors
1 hour: L.A. Woman Documentary
2 hours: Reading  

February 9th

3 hours: Reading
2 hours: Watching Documentary
1 hour: drafting
1.5 hours: Journaling similarities

Totals: 38

This week: 38

Cumulative Total: 38

Reading list

The Lords
The New Creatures
No One Gets Out of Here Alive

Mr. Mojo Risin': The Story of L.A. Woman (2012)
When You’re Strange (2009)
The Soft Parade, a Retrospective (1991)
Final 24: Jim Morrison (2007), The Biography Channel


Ta – Week 5 Log

  • 16 hours reading – The Way of Tarot (A. Jodorowsky), The Castle of Crossed Destinies (Italo Calvino), The Mirror and the Mask, The Garden of Forking Paths (L. Borges), Creative Processes in Gestalt Therapy (J. Zinker), The Forge and the Crucible (M. Eliade), Transforming Ourselves/Transforming Curriculum: Spiritual Education and Tarot Symbolism, Reading Signs: Semiotics and Depth Psychology (Inna Semetsky), The Art of Memory Reconceived: From Rhetoric to Psychoanalysis (P. Hutton), Man and His Symbols (C.G. Jung, M.L. von Franz & Aniela Jaffe), The Poetics of Reverie (G. Bachelard), various poetry (Rimbaud, Bauldelaire, etc.)
  • 2 hours lecture & notes – Inna Semetsky (
  • 4 hours note taking & review
  • 8 hours familiarization – Finally received Tarot De Marseilles (Camoin & Jodorowsky) in the mail from France. Spent this time imprinting the imagery on my unconscious via various methods of associative experimentation (i.e. sleeping with a card under my pillow, carrying one in my back pocket, arranging a music performance based on assigned arcana and their correlative numerical progression), practice reads on friends.
  • 2 hours organization – Indexed all of the books that I am reading in order that I may tie a thread between a vast spectrum of knowledge. Note organization for cohesion of ideas & hypothesis regarding the use of Tarot.
  • 6 hours writing poetry and Bachelardian reverie.

Total – 38 hours

o is for ocean

O – Week 5 Log

Monday, February 4th

2 hours field study to Evergreen beach: journaled and photographed
2 hours reading
2 hours reading and seminar pass

Tuesday, February 5th

1 hour reading
3 hours writing, planning and brainstorming

Wednesday, February 6th

2 hours reading
3 hours researching Ran Ortner interviews and images

Thursday, February 7th

4 hours reading and writing reverie
2 hours field work: water and light forms, ripples and reflections

Friday, February 8th

1 hour reading Sensitive Chaos
2 hours researching Roni Horn and other water-artists online

Saturday, February 9th

1 hour field trip to Ocean Shores
1 hour reading mauve sea-orchids

Sunday, February 10th

3 hours reading Sensitive Chaos
1 hour field research/water observations
2 hours reading Sensitive Chaos (finished)
1 hour reading mauve sea-orchids (finished)


This week: 36 hours

Cumulative total: 36 hours

Reading List:

  • Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air by Theodore Schwenke
  • mauve sea-orchids by Lila Zamborain
  • Interview with Ran Ortner in The Sun Magazine
  • The Poetics of Reverie by Gaston Bachelard
  • Unoriginal Genius by Marjorie Perloff
  • Reading in the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene

Ag – Week 5 Log

February 11th

x hour – reading
x hours – journaling about the relationship between music, notes and my hands
x hours – interviewing pianist at a church

February 12th

2 hours – derive – take note of things I was drawn to
1.5 hours – journaling – crafting notes into poem


This week: 8 hours

Cumulative total: 48 hours

Reading List:

  • The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture
  • The Secret Teachings of Plants
  • Beyond the Body Proper: Reading the Anthropology of Material Life
Note: Category is set to logs, tag is set to letter+logs.

P – Week 5 Log

January 31st

1.5 hr – playing the piano, first time ever writing music! I have a couple lines ( :

February 1st

1.5 hours – playing and composing on the piano
3 hours – Tai Ji Workshop… playshop

February 2th

3.5 hours – Tai Jii
1 hour – Talking logistics and the art of composing music and writing it down – with David
.5 hour – Playing the piano

February 3rd

7 hours – Tai Ji
1 hour – Playing the piano

February 4th

1 hour – Playing the piano, working on compositions
1.5 hours – Movement with Sophia
3.5 hours – Reading, free writing about hands and silence, void and voice, completing seminar pass

February 5th

1 hour – Playing the piano, working on compositions
1 hour- Reading Sem passes
1 hour- Responding to Sem passes
1 hour-Writing Self-eval
.5 hour – Reading the poetics of reverie
.5 hour – time logging
.5 hour – Piano
1 hour – watching The Red Violin
1 hour – working on recording equipment

February 6th

1 hour – Meeting with Sarah
.5 hour – Writing Self-eval
.5 hour – time logging
2 hours – Piano play
1 hour- Reading the poetics of reverie
1 hour- lost in writing reveries
1 hour – Creating a Schedule for the next couple weeks

February 7th

1 hour – Piano play
1.5 hours – Human Subjects Review drafting

February 8th

.5 hour – reading the Poetics of Reverie
1 hour – playing piano, singing into the piano
1.5 hours – journaling, writing poetry, sitting with the piano with its hammers and string exposed, seeing the inner workings – like the muscles and sinews of a wild animal
.5 hour – Emailing classmate about recording

February 9th

1 hour –  Piano play
1.5 hour – transcribing poetry from journal to computer, editing, reading aloud
.5 hour – journaling

February 10th

1 hour – Playing Piano
2 hours – Reading Perloff and Dehaene
.5 hour – writing – journaling


This week: 52 hours (as of the 10th)

Cumulative total: 52 hours

Reading List:

  • The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture
  • The Secret Teachings of Plants
  • Reading in the Brain – Dehaene
  • Unoriginal Genius – Perloff
  • The Poetics of Reverie – Bachelard
Note: Category is set to logs, tag is set to letter+logs.