Category Archives: logs

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E – Week 6 Log

February 11th

Seminar paper: 1 hour

Research: 1 hour

Reading: 4 hours

Total: 6 hours

Weekly total: 6 hours

Texts: Reading and the Brain, Unoriginal Genius, Luna

February 12th

Seminar participation: 1 hours

Writing: 11 hours

Total: 12

Weekly total: 18 hours

February 13th

Discussion participation: .5 hour

Editing: 5 hours

Logistics, organizing, preparing: 1 hour

Reading: 1 hour

Texts: Luna, Writing Books that Make a Difference

Total: 7.5 hours

Weekly total: 25.5 hours

February 14th

Editing: 4 hours

Reading: 2 hours

Total: 6 hours

Weekly total: 31.5 hours

Texts: Writing Books that Make a Difference

February 15th

Reading: 3 hours

Paper writing: 2 hours

Total: 5

Weekly total: 36.5

Texts: Writing Books that Make a Difference

February 16th:

Writing: 3 hours

Reading and synthesis: 2 hours

Total: 5 hours

Weekly total: 41.5 hours

Master total: 115.5 hours

R-Log week 6

Crystal Muns
Week 6 log

Feb 11

  • 5 hours reading
  • 3 hours writing

Feb 12

  • 6 hours reading
  • 1.5 hashing out thoughts in journal

Feb 13

  • 3 hours in Montesano (day time)
  • 1 hour writing
  • 4 hours reading

Feb 14

  • 3 hours of reading

Feb 15

  • 4.5 hours in Hoquiam (derive) + Note taking
  • 1.5 hours writing
  • 2 hours reading
  • 2 hour researching things in my not-knowing notebook that pertain to my reading

Feb 16

  • 4 hours reading

Total hours this week:  40.5

Readings this week:

  1. Ruins: Documents of Contemporary Art
  2. Industrial Ruins
  3. The Origin of the Urban Crisis

Q~Week 6 Log of my time

Monday February 11th-

Reading : Stanislas Dehaene/Marjorie Perloff- 3 hours

Tuesday Febuary 12th

Quilting for 4 hours, Study Abroad research, 1 hour

the poetics of colorful fabric study for 30 minutes

Wednesday February 13th

Kallari Chocolate Lecture- 2 hours

Rukha peer editing- 1 hour and a half

Thursday February 14th-

REVERIE 1 hour free write

Cacao research 1 hour

Friday Febuary 15th

“What is a Cranky? ” (a quilt song) workshop at the Oly Old Time Fest  3 hours

total hours: 17


Y – Week 5 Log!

February 4th

3 hours – reading

1 1/2 hours – research on plants for women’s health

2 hours – Wrote Mid-Quarter Eval

February 5th

4 hours – reading (not knowing notebook)
2 hour – journaling – on how I care for myself during “moon time” and Women’s health herbs

2 hours – Bachelard Reverie #1

30 minutes – Met with Sarah for Mid-quarter eval

February 6th

1 hour – Online research, Annie Sprinkle, Orgasms.

1 hour – Emailed Midwives and Sex educators about online interviews

1 hour – Moon Cycle Care Paper for Herbal Apprenticeship

February 7th

3 hours – reading

2 hours – writing an elixir recipe for liver support during moon cycle. Making herbal iron syrup.

1 hour – poetry in response to Helene cixous’ Laugh of the Medusa

February 8th

5 hours – herbal apprenticeship, focus on women’s herbs for health!

3 hours – Michael Meade lecture / Writing about the importance of Poetic expression. (Amazing!)

February 9th

2 hours- reading – Fertility Awareness / 5Rhythms

February 10th

2 hours – Grand Illusions Theater to see Birth Story: a documentary about midwives.

2 hours – reading – prose on volcanoes


This week:  37 hours

Cumulative total:  37 hours

Reading List:

  • Women’s Anatomy of Arousal
  • The Secret Teachings of Plants
  • The Poetics of Reverie
  • The Female Brain
  • Ina May Gaskins Guide to Childbirth
  • The Laugh of Medusa
  • Maps to Ecstasy
  • Honoring Our Cycles
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E – Week 5 Log

Cumulative writing total January 21st – February 3rd

32 hours

Master total hours: 32

February 4th

Seminar paper: .5 hour

Research: 1 hour

Reading: 6 hours

Total: 7.5 hours

Weekly total: 7.5 hours

Texts: Reading and the BrainUnoriginal GeniusI am J


February 5th

Seminar participation: 1 hour

Reading: 4 hours

Writing: 1 hour

Total: 6 hours

Weekly total: 13.5 hours

Texts: I am J

February 6th

Discussion participation: 1 hour

Reading: 5 hours

Poetry writing and recording: 2 hours

Logistics, organizing, preparing: 1 hour

Texts: I am JThe Poetics of Reverie

Total: 9 hours

Weekly total: 21.5 hours

February 7th

Writing: 9 hours

Reading: 1 hour

Total: 10 hours

Weekly total: 31.5 hours

Texts: I am J

February 8th

Editing: 2 hours

Self-evaluation writing: 2 hours

Poetry writing and rehearsal: 2 hours

Total: 6 hours

Weekly total: 37.5

February 9th:

Writing: 3 hours

Reading and synthesis: 2 hours

Total: 5 hours

Weekly total: 42.5 hours

Master total: 74 hours

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Pil – Week 5 Log

Saturday February 2nd

12 hours journeying from Washington into California

3 hours reuniting with a soldier from my past.

Monday February 4 

4 hours Seminar Homework

2 hours touring the town of Placerville, California with my host.

1.5 hours journaling

3 hours meeting with the Hayman family.

Tuesday February 5

15 hours traveling from Placerville, CA into Peoria, Az

5 hours listening to Into the Wild

3 hours reuniting with my father

Wednesday February 6

4 hours reading Bachelard and completing homework

2.5 hours traveling to the north to see my In-Laws

2.5 hours listening to Into the Wild

5 hours visiting and reuniting with my In-laws

Thursday February 7

4 hours reading The Secret Teachings of Plants

2.5 hours journaling and crafting poetry

Friday February 8

10 hours talking, visiting, and being with my Father

2.5 hours visiting my Sister and her family

Weekly Hours: 54 hours




Q- week 5 log

Monday Febuary 4th: 1 hour quilting

2 hours reading The Secret Teachings of Plants

2 hours reading Dehaene/Perloff

45 min seminar paper

Tuesday February 5th:

5 hours field research in “the domestic arts” cleaning Jan’s home.

Wednesday February 6th:

2 hours Bachelard/reverie

1 hour “The Secret Teachings of Plants”

1 hour Quilting

Thursday February 7th:

2 hours Quilting

1 hour “The Secret Teachings of Plants”

Friday February 8th:

1 hour “Quilters : Women in Domestic Art” book

Total: 15 hours and 45 minutes


P – Timelog Week 8

February 25th

.5 hour – word press
3 hour – reading Perloff, Bachelard, The 7th Dragon
1.5 hour – writing poetry, including poetry for sem pass
1 hour – posting seminar pass and reading others’ posts
.5 hour – Piano
.5 hour – journaling
2 hours – reading poetry, singing, reflecting and recycling neurons with a group of women
1.5 hour – getting ready for Zoom Proficiency

February 26th

1 hour – Reading The Seventh Dragon
1 hour – Reading and responding to Sem passes
1.5 hours – Reading The Poetics of Reverie
2 hours – Writing Bachelardian Reverie, and a poem in the voice of the piano
2 hours – Watching Love and Other Anxieties, asking Lyda questions, and connecting with some of the film students on campus

February 27th

1 hour – Finalizing Reverie, posting
1 hour – WordPress upkeep, time logging
1 hour – Who Am I?
.5 hour – re-making schedule
1 hour – working on media stuff for poetry observed
1.5 hours – Holdrege paper
1 hour – working on recording songs
.5 hour – finalizing ‘Sending Sunshine to Stella

February 28th

.5 hours – Touching base with Sarah  about the upcoming weeks
4.5 hours – Delicate Empiricism
1 hour – Recording piano – First time I’ve done it successfully! WOOP WOOP! I have the takes I need to use for my poetry observed 
1.5 hours – talking with media loan about what equipment to use, getting a quick tutorial on using video editing, collecting media advice
.5 hour – doing my best to help a classmate with wordpress

March 1st

1 hour –  Piano play
2 hours – setting up, recording poem, videoing other things
4 hours – Editing Video, posting video on youtube and onto the Ealphabet
4.5 hours – living poetry through breath – Meditation workshop

March 2nd

.5 hour – presentation brainstorm

March 3rd

3 hour –Holdrege paper, presentation, poetry writing and editing


This week: 49

Cumulative total: 171 hours

Reading List:

  • The Secret Teachings of Plants
  • Reading in the Brain – Dehaene
  • Unoriginal Genius – Perloff
  • The Poetics of Reverie – Bachelard
  • The Seventh Dragon – Anita

H – Week 5 Log

February 11th

x hour – reading
x hours – journaling about the relationship between music, notes and my hands
x hours – interviewing pianist at a church

February 12th

2 hours – derive – take note of things I was drawn to
1.5 hours – journaling – crafting notes into poem


This week: 8 hours

Cumulative total: 48 hours

Reading List:

  • The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture
  • The Secret Teachings of Plants
  • Beyond the Body Proper: Reading the Anthropology of Material Life

Ml – Week 5 Log

February 4th

3 hours – Wrote hip hop lyrics
2 hours – Read article “Music, the food of neuroscience?”
1 hour – Studying lyrics “Eminem Week”

February 5th

3.5 hours – Studying lyrics and sound: “Eminem”

2 hours – Watching documentary “From Nothing to Something: The Art of Rap”

30 minutes – Commenting on Seminar passes

February 6th

2 hours – Reading: “Reading in the Brain”

30 minutes – Contributing to virtual seminar

February 7th

2 hours – Writing lyrics

2 hours – Learning about Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance, and Multisyllabic Rhymes

3 hours – First recording session

February 8th

2 hours – Write lyrics

2.5 hours – Reading: “Reading in the Brain”

2 hours – Recording session

February 9th

4 hours – Reading: “Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop”

2 hours – Recording session

2 hours – Using pro tools to create Hip Hop beats

February 10th

2.5 hours – Recording session

2 hours – Writing lyrics

2 hours – Reading: “Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy”



This week: 36.5

Cumulative total: 35.5

Reading List:

Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy