Category Archives: logs


L – Week 6 log

February 10th

1.5 hour: Reading
2 hours: drafting
1 hour: listening to the doors

February 11th

3 hours: Reading
4 hours: Drafting
1.5 hours: watching Documentaries

February 12th

1 hour: Watching interviews
2 hours: Reading
2 hours: drafting

February 13th

1 hour: Reading
3 hours: drafting

February 14th

3 hours: Listening to the doors

February 15th

3.5 hours: Reading
2 hours: Watching interviews/clips
1.5 hours: Drafting

February 16th

2.5 hours: Reading
1 hour: drafting
1.5 hours: Journaling

This week: 37

Cumulative total: 75

Reading List:
The Lords
The New Creatures
The American Night
No One Gets Out of Here Alive

The Doors Are Open (1968)
Live in Europe (1968)
Live at the Hollywood Bowl (1968)



Wo week 6

February 10th to 16th

4 hours – in shop

8 hours – in class learning tea prep and drinking

3 hours – reading Dhammapada, Ma (Insterstice) and Rubble, Ma: Space and Time, In Praise of Shadows , The Poetics of Reverie

This week found less time in the studio but more time investigating Japanese aesthetics.  Both the reading on Ma, the Japanese concept of space in between things (to put it simply) introduced us to the existential background of framing negative space.  We also watched a movie by the author of both articles, Arata Isozaki, that portrays the idea of Ma with a continuous looping side view of a Japanese stone garden.  We had a very long, good seminar on how we, as westerners, can define Ma, since it isn’t intrinsically tought in our culture.  Professor Tomoko told us about growing with that as a Japanese sensibility.  She said it was the pauses you take in speech, the steps you take when going to work, or school, or just walking and thinking.  She said it was difficult to have conversations when she first reached the United States because people would jump in with their words when she hadn’t finished speaking yet, but was just taking a pause.  She also related it to the idea of Fung Shue, more popular in western culture.  Someone stated how it is like having a cluttered room, and instead of taking away objects, you just add more Ma to clean it up.  What we concluded collectively is that Ma, whatever it is, serves to show us that time is fluid, not linear, and that the boundaries we experience are merely constructions of perception.  I’ve attached the seminar paper I wrote for that session.  

Download (DOCX, 12KB)


Ma relates to Japanese architecture in that it is more about framing space than creating it.  There is a goal to reach fluidity between nature surrounding you and the structure itself.  Where in ancient Roman and greek architecture, you can see massive ornate columns and ceilings, a Japanese tea house has simple, elegant posts around the edges.  Furthermore, the complex joinery and latice work that holds the ceiling and walls is hidden behind a simple wall or ceiling.  The complexity is humbly hidden away to give a seemless, timeless, and floating feeling to the rooms.  That is the closest way to express Ma with the architecture.  In decorating, low lights that cast shadows on the sparce objects within also imbibe and invite a feeling of Ma.

This is in line with the Buddhist idea of nothingness, that at the core of all things is nothingness, and from this void, all life sprouts and someday returns to sprout again, yet we are all connected to it always.

Formal construction of the tea house began on Thursday.  We took the rough milled beams and cut them to the working lengths we will use in the tea house.  We also began creating the templates that we will follow for carving the joints.  I didn’t have much to do this day since I am primarily on the joinery and landscaping team, so I helped in laying down a full scale blueprint of the tea house on the shop floor with tape.  It was ironic in constructing it because it was the most hollow thing we’ve made yet, so in a way, captured the Ma of the tea house even more than the tea house will.  But I have a feeling that when the tea house is finished, the physical objects will serve to highlight the Ma even better.  We also finished our groups shoji screen to be used for our practice ceremonies and eventually placed in the finished tea house.  I will post a picture of the finished shoji.

Next week I will began explorations into Yoga and the tea cermony and Yoga and woodworking.


co- week 6 log

February 10th

3 hours – researching Oi!

4 hours – listening to Oi! (The 4- skins, [Early] Dropkick Murphys, The Exploited, The Opressed, Mr Floppy, Slaughter and the Dogs, U.S. Chaos)

February 11th

4 hours – reading (Biel)
2 hours – taking notes (Biel)

February 12th

4 hours – reading (Hebdige)

February 13th

2.5 hours – trying to write poetry based off of the punk movement and the song Ghost Town by the Specials

2 hours – looking for shows

45 minutes – Learning the words to the song, People II: the Reckoning by Andrew Jackson Jihad

2 hours- writing poetry based on the music of Andrew Jackson Jihad

 February 14th

3 hours- reading (Debord)

4 hours – reading (Hebdige)

2 hours – notes (Hebdige)

5 hours- walking around Seattle looking for punk ethics and influences

February 15th

6 hours –  creating sketches of Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols

3 hours – reading (Biel)

2 hours – reading (Debord)

February 16th

3 hours – Re listening to the Album, Never Mind the Bollock, Sex Pistols (trying to learn the songs)

4.5 hours – revising poetry


This week: 56.45 hours

Cumulative total: 98.95 hours

Reading List:

  • Beyond the Music: How punks are saving the world with DIY Ethics, Skills & Values by Joe Biel
  • Subculture the meaning of style by Dick Hebdige
  • Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord

Ml – Week 6 log

February 11th

1 hour – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Reading “Reading in the Brain”
1 hour – Studying lyrics “Jay-Z week”

1 hour – Writing and posting weekly seminar passage

February 12th

2 hours – Studying Hip Hop as an oral art

4 hours – Reading “Book of Rhymes”

2 hours – Recording session

February 13th

2 hours – Watching “Rhyme and Reason”

30 minutes – Contributing to virtual seminar and commenting on sem passes

February 14th

4 hours – Reading “Book of Rhymes

I found out that a good friend of mine had passed away on this day so I didn’t get a lot done but reading really helped take my mind off of things.

February 15th

2 hours – Reading “Book of Rhymes”

2.5 hours – Writing

February 16th

3 hours – Reading: “Book of Rhymes”

2 hours – Recording session: “experimenting with voice”

February 17th

3 hours – Recording session: “experimenting with voice”

1 hours – Writing lyrics



This week: 33.5

Cumulative total: 69

Reading List:

Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy

P(r) – Week 6 Log

Monday, 2-11-13 1/2 hr fighting with WordPress, 1 hr writing, 2 hr Sherman Alexie reading at Elliot Bay Books in Seattle, 3 hr reading Perloff, Dehaene, Cixous.  Total:  6.5 hours

Tuesday, 2-12-13 1 hr belly dance, 1/4 hr e-cises, 3 hr reading Bachelard, Winterson, 1 hr reading, 3/4 meditation.  Total:  6 hours

Wednesday, 2-13-13  1/2 hr morning pages, 1/4 hr e-cises, 1/4 hr meditation, 1 hr belly dance, 2 hr chocolate tasting/lecture, 4 hr reading Bachelard, Winterson, Noe.  Total:  8 hours

Thursday, 2-14-13  1/4 e-cises, 1 1/2 hr belly dance, 2 hr writing, 5 hr reading Feldenkrais, Noe, Winterson, 1/2 hr voice exercises.  Total:  9.25

Friday, 2-15-13  1/2 hr e-cises, 1 hr belly dance, 1 hr walking meditation, 2 hr writing, 2 hr reading Bachelard, Winterson, Affect Theory Reader, 1/2 hr voice exercises.  Total:  7

Saturday 2-16-13  1/4 e-cises, 1/2 belly dance cardio, 3/4 hr belly dance conditioning, 2 hr writing (Holdrege), 2 hr walking meditation/reverie/taking notes, 2 hr reading Affect Theory Reader, Winterson, Noe, 1/2 hr voice exercises.  Total:  9

Total hours:  45.75






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Pil – Week 6 Log

Monday February 11 

4 hours Seminar Homework

1.5 hours journaling

3 hours meeting with my Father

Tuesday February 12

4 hours seminar homework

2.5 hours reading An American Gospel

2 hours crafting journal and poetry

4 hours talking with my Father

Wednesday February 13

4 hours reading Bachelard and completing homework

6 hours listening to The Things They Carried

Thursday February 14

6 hours listening to The Things They Carried

2.5 hours journaling and crafting poetry

Friday February 15

4 hours working on Mid-Quarter Evaluation and meeting prep

1.5 hours working on journal entries

Weekly Hours: 45 hours




o is for ocean

O – Week 6 Log

Week 6

Monday, February 11

1 hours re-reading mauve sea-orchids out loud
2 hours skimming and sorting stack of library books into these categories:

  • art and creativity (interview with Ran Ortner, Art & Soul, the complete letters of Vincent Van Gogh, book on how we experience art, Roni Horn aka Roni Horn), 
  • the body and experience (Secret Teachings of Plants, Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenolgy of Perception, The Eyes of the Skin), 
  • water & science (Water & Dreams by Bachelard, Sensitive Chaos, science book on Oceanography, book on the composition of seawater), 
  • poetry (mauve sea-orchids, Never by Jorie Graham, Cantos by Pound, Trilogy by H.D., audio recordings of Gertrude Stein) 
  • and a pile of secondary resources (Tree of Meaning, 2 other books of poetry by Jorie Graham, 2 books on architecture and visual art)


2 hours working on the anthology
3 hours reading for and writing seminar pass

Tuesday, February 12

1 hour responding to seminar passes and composing virtual seminar post
2 hours writing
.5 hour reading HD’s Trilogy
1 hour assembling images and quotes at – Discovered, so cool!
1 hour color and water-rhythm study at Priest Point park
2 hours writing midquarter self-eval

Wednesday, February 13

1 hour midquarter meeting with Sarah
2 hours working on anthology with Marisa
1 hour posting images and poetry to
1 hour selecting books and reading through the oceanography section of the library
1 hour reading poetry out loud: Jorie Graham Never and mauve sea-orchids

Thursday, February 14

1 hour posting to
2 hours reading and writing Bachelardian reverie
1 hour meditating on water as the body

Friday, February 15

traveled to Portland
1 hour reading The Eyes of the Skin
1 hour experiencing body in salt water: salt soaking pools

Saturday, February 16

2 hours writing to discover what I want to convey in the term paper-aspect of this project
2 hours collecting poetry, images and diagrams about art, the ocean, tide and salt at my blog

Sunday, February 17

3 hours reading scientific book about saltwater and taking notes
.5 hour writing


This week: 35 hours
Cumulative: 71 hours

Reading List:

  • The Eyes of the Skin by Juhanni Pallasmaa
  • mauve sea-orchids by Lila Zamborain
  • Never by Jorie Graham
  • Saltwater: Its Composition, Properties and Behaviour
  • The Poetics of Reverie by Gaston Bachelard
  • Unoriginal Genius by Marjorie Perloff
  • Reading in the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene
  • online resources: see



B – Week 6 Logs

Week 6 logs:

 Monday February 11th

2 hours – Derive. Took descriptive notes and journaled about my surroundings, and what I was attracted to and why (notes for a poem!)

2 hours – yoga and peer-editing.

2 hours – working on anthology.

1.5 hours – working on seminar pass.

.5 hours – revising and posting poem.

1.5 hours – watching I Believe In Atlanta. A documentary done by a friend about the untold history of the city and its effect on her.

 Tuesday February 12th

4 hours – studio time (printing).

1.5 hours – reading/commenting on seminar passes. virtual seminar.

3 hours – reading.

.5 hours – working on anthology.

.5 hours – journaling about gender, when, where and how I switch gender “rolls”, becomeing more feminine or more masculine and the effects they have.

Wednesday February 13th

1.5 hours – reading

.5 hour – journaling on Reverie.

2 hours – Kallari Chocolate lecture and tasting.

1 hour – working on anthology.

1 hour – crafting journal entries and notes into poems.

1 hour – writing Bachelardian reverie.

 Thursday February 14th

5.5 hours – studio time (printing!)

.5 hours – journaling about my time spent in the studio, the relationship between body and machine, the anima and animus of letterpress.

.5 hours – reading.

 Friday February 15th

1 hour – journaling about confusion, negative emotions and obstacles.

.5 hour – scoping moodle/e-alphabet, clarifying anthology logistics.

1 hour – reading.

 Saturday February 16th

1 hour – reading.

 Sunday February 17th

2 hours – reading.

1.5 hour – journaling about the relationship of letters to body to thoughts to place/environment to traveling and ideas for term paper.

1.5 hours – starting seminar pass and researching poet from Perloff.

2.5 hours – vagina monologs!!


This week: 43.5 hours

Cumulative total: 75 hours

 Reading List:

The Poetics of Reverie – Bachelard.

Beyond The Body Proper, Reading The Anthropology of Material Life. – Margaret Lock and Judith Farquhar.

The Laugh Of Medusa – Hellen Cixous.

Reading In The Brain. – Stanislas Dehaene. 

The Book As A Container Of Consciousness – Author unknown. 


Y – Week 6 Log!

February 11th

1 hour – Writing up Questions for interviews

2 hours – Free write (Holdridge paper)

1 hour – Reading (Sacred Sexuality)

1 hour – poetry!

2 hours – Yoga Nidra/writing workshop with Sophia

February 12th

2 hours – Reading

February 13th

2 hours – Kallari Cacao presentation/tasting!

1 hour – White Pine Research

3 hours – Bachelard / Reverie

2 hours – Workshop on Consent/Safe Kink

February 14th

4 hours – reading (Merleau-Ponty and Weed)

3 1/2 hours – Art piece on Herbs for Pregnancy – research as well

February 15th

5 hours – Herbal apprenticeship (herbs for women’s health and harvesting cottonwood buds!)

1 hour – Cedar weaving workshop in longhouse

February 16th

1 1/2 hours – Vagina Monologues!

2 hours – reading (Yoni)

2 hours – Writing (sky, venus, passing of winter)

February 17th

7 hours – Doula Training with The Prison Doula Project


This week:  43 hours

Cumulative total:  80 hours

Readings for Week 6:

  • The Encyclopedia of Sacred Sexuality
  • The Poetics of Reverie
  • The Phenomenology of Perception
  • Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Years
  • The Yoni: Sacred Symbol of Feminine Creative Power

P – Week 6 log

February 11th

1 hour – word press
1.5 hour – reading Perloff, Bachelard
1 hour – Writing reveries of hands and fingers
.5 hour – reading Benjamin
1 hour – writing poetry, including poetry for sem pass
1 hour – posting seminar pass and reading others’ posts
.5 hour – Piano
2 hours – movement and poetry with Sophia
2 hours – reading poetry, singing, reflecting and recycling neurons with a group of women

February 12th

1.5 hour – Meeting with Sarah
2 hours – Writing about cycling while recycling neurons in cycles of nature and thoughts and seasons beginning to return to recycling in the cycles of cycling
.5 hour – time logging
.5 hour – Piano play
.5 hour – Reading the poetics of reverie
1.5 hours – lost in writing and speaking reveries

February 13th

1 hour – Piano play
1 hour – Word press work
.5 hour – playing piano
2 hours – Kallari chocolate
1.5 hours – writing and speaking about fragments of reveries in reverence

February 14th… getting sick ) :

.5 hour – reading the Poetics of Reverie
1 hour – journaling, writing poetry
.5 hour – Emailing classmate about recording

February 15th

1 hour –  Piano play
1.5 hour – transcribing poetry from journal to computer, editing, reading aloud
.5 hour – journaling

February 16th

.5 hour – Playing Piano
2 hours – Reading Perloff and Dehaene
.5 hour – writing – journaling

February 17th… sick of being sick

1 hour – Playing Piano
3 hours – Reading Piano: from Zither to Grand
1 hour – writing – journaling about dreams recycling neurons, and trying to describe sound in words invoking all the other senses


This week: 36 hours

Cumulative total: 88 hours (as of the 17th)