Category Archives: logs

Ml – Week 7 log

February 18th

1 hour – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Reading “Reading in the Brain”
1 hour – Studying lyrics “2Pac week”

1 hour – Writing and posting weekly seminar passage

February 19th

4 hours – Reading “Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy”

2 hours – Recording session

February 20th

2 hours – Beginning Holdrege paper

30 minutes – Contributing to virtual seminar and commenting on sem passes

February 21st

2 hours – Reading “Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy”

February 22nd

1 hour – Reading “Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy”

2.5 hours – Writing

February 23rd

These two days I had to work on my RA resume and cover letter for next year so I didn’t get much done.

1 hour – Writing

1 hour – Reading: “Reading in the Brain”

February 24th

1 hour – Writing lyrics



This week: 22.5

Cumulative total: 91.5

Reading List:

Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop

Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy


Y – Log Week 7!

February 18th

2 hours – This evening I was weaving, weaving the motions of my body towards acceptance of self. (dance) embodying my learning!

7 hours – Doula Training

1 hour – Reading Bachelard

February 19th

3 hours – Writing “holdredge paper” (research on etymology of Yoni)

2 hours – reading Bachelard

February 20th

2 hours  – reading buhner/bachelard

2 hours – writing

2 hours – Art piece, conversion/conversation between Buhner and Cixous

February 21st

3 hours – reading (Cixous/Womens Ways of Knowing)

1 hour – Plant Profile art (Cottonwood!)

1 hour – writing

February 22nd

4 hours – Herbal Apprenticeship (Cottonwood, cardiovascular herbs, medicine making)

2 hours – Reading (Buhner) and Writing Poetry

(Got an Interview sent back!)

February 23rd

1 hour – reading

1 hour – writing (poems)

1 hour – nature walk/photos (what it must feel like to be on a dandelion in the summer breeze)

3 hours – Working on paper

February 24th

1 hour – Reading short stories from The Sweet Breathing of Plants

Total Hours:

This Week : 39 hours

Accumulative: 120


  •  The poetics of reverie
  •  The secret teachings of plants
  •  Womens Anatomy of Arousal
  •  Womens Ways of Knowing
  • The Laugh of the Medusa

B – Week 7 Logs

Monday February 18th

2.5 hours – working on seminar pass poem.

.5 hours – walking by the water and through the city.

.5 hours – journaling about how to find my body by removing the space around it, vagina monologs, echos of centuries of repression and oppression. (notes for poems)

2 hours – reading.

.5 hours – looking up names, books and definitions from my not-knowing-notebook.

1 hour – compulsively tweaking a poem, finishing up and posting my seminar pass.

Tuesday February 19th

1 hour – journaling about ghosts in the land, buildings covering up history, military torture techniques, and the loss or rediscover of self, empowerment, and being through the reclaiming of language.

1 hour – reading and responding to seminar passes.

2 hours – studio time (free writing).

2.5 hours – derive – wondering through different parts of town, free writing.

1 hour – reading.

Wednesday February 20th

1.5 hour – journaling about running into cliches and generalizations, developing awareness to understand my body in relation (or contrast) to its environment, making a to do list.

4 hours – reading interspersed with discussions and free writes on memories and reveries evoked from the former.

1.5 hours – writing and posting Bachelardian reveries.

1 hour – transcribing field study journal entries.

.5 hour – beginning term paper draft.

Thursday February 21st

.5 hours – journaling about where I see an other form of myself in nature within urban space.

4 hours – reading.

.5 hours – transcribing field study journal entries.

.5 hours – compiling field study poetry into one place.

.5 hours – reciting and editing poems.

2 hours – helped sort type at Sherwood Press.

Friday February 22nd

.5 hours – journaling about movement captured in a room and imagining the rain on my skin.

1 hour – transcribing journal entries.

2 hours – journaling and thinking about the line between helpful and harmful analyzation and questions of mybody. Creating an outline for term paper.

.5 hours – reading.

Saturday February 23rd

2 hours – writing field study paper draft.

Sunday February 24th

1 hours – journaling about stress, free write on the smell of violates in the wind.

1 hour – hepling facilitate a letterpress profficiency.

3.5 hours – working on field study paper draft.

.5 hours – researching poets from perloff (Charles Bernstien & George Oppen)

1.5 hours – reading.


This week: 44.5 hours

Cumulative total: 134 hours

 Reading List:

Beyond The Body Proper, Reading The Anthropology of Material Life. – Margaret Lock and Judith Farquhar.

The Poetics of Reverie – Bachelard.

The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls. – Joan Jacobs Brumberg.

Poetry A Pocket Anthology.

Reading In The Brain. – Stanislas Dehaene.

r- Week 7 log

February 18th

  • 4hrs reading
  • 1hr writing and experimenting with different poetic formats

February 19th

  • 5hrs in Aberdeen and Hoquiam +writing notes while there + photography
  • 1hr – Reading and Responding to Seminar Passes
  • 1hr experimenting with sonnets

February 20th

  • 2hr self-meditation “how am I a ruin?”
  • 0.5 hrs free writing on meditation
  • 2hrs constructing poetry from abstract thoughts from med. and free writing


February 21st

  • 1 hrs of reading
  • 5 hrs. Touring through the Hoquiam and Aberdeen area with Rhys + discussion of the area
  • 1hr of writing

February 22nd

  • 5hrs of reading
  • 1hr of writing

February 23rd

  • 3 hrs of experimenting with poetic forms
  • 2hrs of reading

February 24th

  • .5 hour – Word Press Work


This week: 35hrs

Reading List:

  • Industrial ruins
  • Reading in the Brain
  • Unoriginal Genius
  • The Poetics of Reverie
  • Ruins

P – Time log week 7

February 18th – Sleeping off sickness

1.5 hour – reading Perloff, Bachelard

February 19th

2 hours –  Piano play
1 hour – Reading and Responding to Seminar Passes
1.5 hours – Working on several Lipogram poems

February 20th

2 hours – Editing ‘Pounding Postures of Obsession’
1 hour – Word press work
1.5 hour – playing piano
.5 hour – more editing
2 hour – transcribing poetry

February 21st

2 hours – reading Reading in the Brain ch 8 and conclusion
4 hours – transcribing and editing poetry
1 hour – playing piano – found a song called ‘the dream’ (in German, thinking about playing it for my presentation)

February 22nd

1 hour –  Piano play
1 hour – beginning thinking about Holdrege paper
.5 hour – Reading the Poetics of Reverie
4.5 hours – editing poetry, posting poetry to the Ealphabet

February 23rd – Women in Ag Conference!

.5 hour – Playing Piano, working on getting equipment for poetry observed

February 24th

5.5 hours – Working on my first composition: ‘Sending Sunlight to Stella,’ trying to record
.5 hour – Reading Unoriginal Genius
.5 hour – Word Press Work


This week: 34 hours

Cumulative total: 122 hours

Reading List:

  • The Secret Teachings of Plants
  • Reading in the Brain – Dehaene
  • Unoriginal Genius – Perloff
  • The Poetics of Reverie – Bachelard
  • The Piano: from Zither to Grand
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Pil – Week 7 log

February 18

4 hours working on homework

2.5 hours crafting poetry and writing in journal

February 19

4 hours working on homework

1 hour talking to father via phone

1 hour working on poetry

February 20

3 hours working on homework

5 hours listening to The Things They Carried and crafting poetry

February 21

7 hours listening to The Things They Carried and crafting poetry

February 22

4 hours reading An American Gospel

3 hours listening to Into The Wild 

3 hours working on poetry

Weekly Hours: 37.5


T-Week 4 Log 22hrs

February 1st

4 hours-reading The Arts and Human Development, Waldorf

2 hours-writing poem

3 hours-drawing

February 2nd

4 hours-reading The Arts and Human Development

3 hours-drafting activities

February 3rd

2 hours-teaching crafts

4 hours-writing notes and poetry

T-Week 5 Logs 49hrs

February 4th

4 hours-reading The Arts and Human Development

1 hour-writing notes

2 hours-reading PBS child learning article

February 5th

1 hour reading

2 hours writing notes

2 hours reading internet articles

February 6th

1 hour writing

4 hours reading/comparing human development theorists

1 hour writing notes/compiling references

February 7th

2 hours reading

2 hours writing notes

2 hours writing

February 8th

3 hours demonstrating origami

1 hour writing poem

3 hours drawing

2 hours reading

February 9th

4 hours reviewing new crafts

3 hours gathering supplies

3 hours reviewing instructions

February 10th

Day to rest

T-Week 6 Logs

February 11th

3 hours reading development programs online

3 hours comparing school districts

February 12th


February 13th


February 14th

2 hours reading The Arts and Human Development

2 hours writing notes

2 hours children’s freestyle art

3 hours writing

February 15

1 hour reviewing writing

February 16

T-Week 7 Logs

1 hour reviewing writing

February 17

2 hours editing

February 18

February 19

February 20

1 hour writing poems

February 21

half hour editing poetry

February 22

February 23

T-Week 8 Logs

February 24

3 hours crafts with neighbors

February 25

February 26

February 28



Ta – Week 6 Log

  • 14 hours reading – The Way of Tarot, The Metabarons (A. Jodorowsky); Interpreting the Signs of the Times: Beyond Jung, The Magician in the World: Becoming, Creativity, and Transversal Communication (I. Semetsky); Our Dreaming Mind (R. van de Castle); The Sacred and the Profane, The Forge and the Crucible (M. Eliade); Transcendental Magic (E. Levi); The Castle of Crossed Destinies (I. Calvino); The Poetics of Reverie (G. Bachelard)
  • 3 hours film and notes (The Holy Mountain)
  • 6 hours Tarot familiarization – mandala construction, memorization practices, dream recall and analysis, meditation (focused/deity/tarot), poetry
  • 2 hours practice reads with friends
  • 6 hours poetry, reverie, and writing inspired by Tarot
  • 4 hours note taking and review
  • 2 hours paper outline and abstract
  • 2 hours planning for poetry observed (scout location, familiarize equipment, etc.)

Total – 39 hours


M – Week 6 Log

February 11th (rest day)

2 hours – reading

2.5 hours – preforming exercises in two books – writing

1.5 hours – stretching –  self-massaging

February 12th

1 hour – morning yoga

3 hours – forest walk – afternoon yoga – writing (session)

1.5 hours reading

February 13th

1 hour – morning yoga

5 hours – modern dance and dance CoOp

1.5 hours – reading

1 hour – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

February 14th

2 hours – morning and afternoon yoga

1 hour – reading

1 hour – preforming exercises in two of my books

2 hours – writing

1 hour – performance practice at Cafe Love – “speech-song”

February 15th

30 minutes – morning yoga

2.5 hours – reading

1 hour – preforming exercises in two of my books

1 hour – stretching – mindful body isolation’s

February 16th

30 minutes – morning yoga

1.5 hours – reading

2.5 hours – forest walk – writing

1 hour – preforming exercises in two of my books

February 17th

30 minutes – morning yoga

3 hours – acro-yoga at Breathe yoga studio

2 hours – reading

1 hour – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing


This week: 42.5 hours

Cumulative total: 120 hours

Reading List:

  • Body and Earth
  • Your Sacred Anatomy
  • Body Stories
  • Trail Guide to the Body: How to Locate Muscles, Bones & More!





M – Week 5 Log

February 1st

1 hour – morning yoga

3 hours – reading

3 hour – mindful forest walking

2.5 hours – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

February 2nd

30 minutes – morning yoga

1.5 hours – reading

4 hours – walking to the beach, meditation, connecting with moving and stationary self

2 hours – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

February 3rd

30 minutes – morning yoga

3 hours – acro-yoga at Breathe yoga studio

2.5 hours – reading

1.5 hour – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

February 4th

30 minutes – morning yoga

1 hour – swimming

4 hours – reading

2.5 hours – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

February 5th

1 hour – morning yoga

3 hours – reading

2 hours – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

1 hour – body movement isolation (moving wrists, ankles, neck etc. to feel and understand each bone and muscle moving)

February 6th

30 minutes – morning yoga

2 hours – reading

5 hours – modern dance and dance CoOp

1 hour – mindful stretching

2 hours – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

February 7th

30 minutes – morning yoga

2 hours – reading

1.5 hours – dance

2.5 hours – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

February 8th

1 hours – morning yoga

3 hours – text referring – guiding my meditation – connecting with my body

2 hours – reading

1.5 hours – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

30 minutes – rock climbing

February 9th

1 hour – morning yoga

4 hours – walk in the forest – preforming exercises in two of my books – writing

February 10th

30 minutes – morning yoga

3 hours – acro-yoga at Breathe yoga studio

2.5 hours – reading

1 hour – preforming exercises in two of my books

2.5 hours – journaling – reflecting on my weeks movements


This week: 77.5 hours

Cumulative total: 77.5

I seemed to get a slight head start, all of this movement feels so darn good!

Reading List:

  • Body and Earth
  • Your Sacred Anatomy
  • Body Stories
  • Trail Guide to the Body: How to Locate Muscles, Bones & More!