Category Archives: poetry

Here is where you’ll categorize poetry posts during your field study. A minimum goal is one poem per week, 4 total, posted by Monday PM midnight. One of your four poems must be posted in a “Poetry Observed” video format ( The goal is to perform your poetry in situ—within the context of your passionate immersion.

V – poetry (Libraries of the Intuitive)

I stitch. I stitch Howe’s breath. So much
So much
The ghosting echoes ride the intersecting cells of my skin
Sewn sentences tickle tasteful images
of pages
full of already chewed knowledge
The melody of coherence rises and crosses the letters as they fall into unition
The letters – Holy words
Holding eachother up
A texture of renewed senses
Divining lines
Crossing T’s
Moving wings
Moving words.



Finding the calm between stones
And lost paths through forgotten streets
Humming for promise when alone
This is where her heart and pavement meet.

The shops are closed
The shelves all bare
Now memories superimposed
Are all that we can find there.

There’s no more sugar
And no more spice,
We’ve all but lost what
We thought of as “nice”

Broken Buick,
Gutted Dodge,
Sit pretty on the sideline
Next to yester years news.

Yet here is where she finds herself
Her cooing lullaby,
Is the silence
The stillness
She catches in her eye.


Memories and Apocalypse


My mind,

Stained with the scent

Of fallout vapor,

Incineration of the ideal,


The perfection of the

Synapses misappropriated

With age of Metamorphosis

And the reality is

Idyllic in its disintegration.


We long for what can never be,

What waits in the ruin,

Beneath the fallen monuments

The salvation of a race

Might be had.


Wo – Poetry Observed

During week 9 of the quarter, quarter research papers were due with presentations for the entire class.  All quarter, I had researched the history, building techniques, and qualities of roof shingles and tiles that developed in Japan.  In this process, I found much beauty and appreciation for the aesthetics of the roof as well as the dedication to quality in the craftsmanship.  The methods of framing and dressing the roof was poetry for me that I saw echoing through the ages and into the present moment.  Here is the power point presentation and I presented to the class.

Download (PPTX, 6.65MB)

Writing (my first long poem, in some ways also my ACTUAL first language poem)


Writing, writing

I know not

showing only what I’ve bought

Make me fancy, make me fine,

words only mask what we forgot.


Tell me what the beauty sees–

but restricted


Never-ending story told,

the Passion only felt

How do you survive

when you can only describe?

–when the blow

can’t be felt?


And so quatrain one completes

the story that somehow


the purpose of the experience.

Every page empty as a lonesome Journal.


Yet so subtle.


The trees shine on forever,

leaves beautifully reflecting

the sun. will it stop?



We all know where this story will go.


Fill the pages from head to toe,

until the blaze of Carpal Tunnel

Seizes your tools

and you suddenly forget

which way the wind blows.


Continue on,


until the softness that you sing

surrounds and heals your broken wing

don’t lose it–

least you fall & break in half

in attempt to describe

a door.


Language does what is easy–

simple ticks, swishes, and curves–

to convey the Immense–

the love of a child

and his brother. But prose alone

will always be

A product of this harmony;

the sounds, the sights,


–Just as they’ve always been

But do they show?

I don’t know,

I don’t know,

I don’t know.

I see in my head

what you wanna convey,

But it was not mine–

it’s in your life to stay.

Every day, this happens to us.

A Language of Adjectives.

That is what we must undone.

Dependence on the viewing screen,

in front of men with sexless suits,

flashing descriptions of beauty

before their very eyes


And they think they think no less of this

of course, because their eyes

are made of myst


And we know of no other way to exist.

should this language really BE?

ticks and flicks and rambling lines

can never stand the test of time.

Where was I going?

You won’t know,

you sacred “El Magnifico”

who thinks he can control the Earth

–there is no place for you.


I still can’t wrap my head around it–

or won’t–

Either way, we still betray

what is Abounded

so stealing thoughts is the best I can do,

I state this plain and simple.

With all the grandeur I could use

to state my place

and make you think me worthy,

I won’t.

I write only what I can

About the state

of the world,

And expect you to not understand.


Because you can’t.


I see me change into a kite

Fly away————–

see soon what will come

–and be done.

I see dyslexia aplenty

hurting the desk

of mystery (black-cherry finish)


where all the paper’s a jumbled mess

that doesn’t exist in the first place

Because this what-i-am is gold

in a field of tin

and completely


my first language poem

A faded day

in my head, again


I fade.


can’t know who


i got to here when

i was







No think.

You are what you DO

–you are how to lose


For now.


All I need is confidence

or My heart is weak

And i pass out

or i don’t think

And i fall from grace.


Today i thought was bad

but into my heart,

people are nice.

out of my head

Ain’t so bad.


write like this

it’s nice.


I love the World.


can’t a sentence

Hope to please

And/or water

the Tree of Meaning?


could go on forever–

no idiom


Never follow me


Never follow my

track of letters


in chaos

as i walk two three

and back again

in the chaos of my under-mind

–the one that doesn’t think–

but knows.


me before i do.


I am

the one who counts

no quantify

are you sing?

don’t pass me by.


I do.

but i am


i try,

i really do


To be the best instinct I can


Ego is an IDiot


I find ‘to be’ entrapped

by me when I’m sttuck within myself

I see

when ‘me” is disappeared


A product of what–




Leave unresolved.

For now.

i am solved

by whomever I am.

Randomly Stabbed in the back of the thigh

I wonder why

she does not call to me instead

All these ghosts in sailboats

are the reason I have cried.

To me, she says “I’m almost there”

but she was always standing there

“Seize him? No reason.”

And so my spirit died.

Q-final performance poetry

As the needle penetrates the fabric, as the pen inks the page, as the warp kisses the weft, The worlds meet as one.


me got lots of stories, lots of patterns, lots of fabrics,

me hold numbersome fabrics in my closet, on my bed, in my life.

me touch them in moments of inspiration, Like when me hear a distant fiddle, or when me smell a breeze of goat.


me hold fabrics of color, of sun, of intricate stories,

of elaborate fairytales,

of crumbling brick,

of fishing towns. Of the distant kitchen in my minds eye that I wish to cook in.

The thread that is my reverie, holds together all of the meaning made memories that are of my fabrics. So many fabrics.


I am a displaced warrior of a heritage that is lost somewhere in a word, where the fabric is held in the old story of three.

Story department stories.


In an effort towards belonging, I will weave.

I will weave the shit out of synthetic fibers, made into a repetitive pattern in a cosmic culture of so much fabric.

Fabric is not fabric.

Fabric is animal,vegetable,mineral- it cycles.

through hands.

FABRIC, in its glory, in its truth is what sets us apart and brings us together.

all civilization uses fiber, fabric, to survive.

all survival is in the fabric.

We are hand made, only.

We have handmade a culture that endures, in its fabric.

To claim a place as ones native home, one must have an intimate understanding of its fabric.

To be a mother, a digger, a harvester, a sower, a crafter

me must seek the source.

(what is source?)

the source might be the music, or the holding of babies, or the food, or the wet, or the dry…

the source is the way

the wet, the raw, the blood, the sweat, the fibers, the grit, the earth, the dirt, the sewn materials, of comfort.

The Patterns in Nature : The Fabric

(Sunshine folklore)

cultured fibers

Finl Presentation Poem


my mind is not unlike the galaxy.

deep and dark, mysterious. thoughts floating around for eons, like lost astroids, then

the ah-ha! moments hit like a meteor hitting the earth – suddenly, a flash of light,

with expansion of wonderment,

with exploration of unknown creativity,

forever leaving an indent in my being, in my earth.


I repeated it aloud over and over again in the warm bath water

Yoni, yOni, yoNi, yonI….

each time required a new expansion of breath.


creativity,                  meeting the slowly wafting waves, originated by My lungs.

Pondering apon the meaning of Yoni,

“An Entrance to the Universe”

Pondering upon the universes my feminine body encounters:

A Universe of Exploration

the creative touch brings breaths, brings moans, brings warm wet places to the surface of our union, from the depths of my internal universe. then,

the granted entry into my universe, my yoni.  private, unique, my pear, picked to perfection, to consume, to renew, to build, to drip the juice of life.  this is one entrance to the universe, my universe.

and when this universe is entered, my yoni likes to speak, to be loud, to laugh, to moan, to scream, to expand and expel the tension that grew and grew all fucking day.


creative exploration.


A Universe of Expansion

your growth, nourishment, brings expansion of my belly.  into a globular, hanging universe made just for you. tripping over my breath to keep up with you, staying focused, feeding you, feeding me. then,

descending. waves of intensity wash me to shore, swallow me and lay me back down on the sand again, repeat. repeat. repeat. trying to replenish my lungs enough to keep up with your

grand ascending.  this is one entrance to the universe, our universe.

and when this universe is entered, my yoni likes to be heard, to listen, to teach, to moan, to cry, to contract and to expel the tension that grew and grew all fucking 41 weeks.

hello, creative expansion.


Breathing, breathing, inward, outward.

my body is a portal, a sacred portal of universes rich with coming and going.

mysterious and deep,

my yoni is like the galaxy,

ripe with the unknown,

with wonder.

Final Performance Poem

Siproena Johnson

As Poetry Recycles Neurons





I thought I’d be an engineer and have fun in this field

I was told to pursue this dream to get the higher benefit yield

I thought being architect would please my art love and adult’s demands

I then realized their visions were more like subtle commands

I thought I’d be a writer imagination through my pen would flow

I was then recalled to reality and told to let the dream world go

I later became a big sister to a brother and a teacher in a way

His open mind and love for me still drives me to this day

He sees me as the mentor these children now see me

Now I’ve realized my passion and person I want to be

Teaching is my passion whether in the classroom or on neighbor’s lawn

I find myself thinking up activities to share sometimes from morning on

I then remember teachers who stand out in my mind

Characteristics I am still drawn to such as humorous, imaginative, and kind

These things I try to emulate when I share some sort of craft