Category Archives: poetry

Here is where you’ll categorize poetry posts during your field study. A minimum goal is one poem per week, 4 total, posted by Monday PM midnight. One of your four poems must be posted in a “Poetry Observed” video format ( The goal is to perform your poetry in situ—within the context of your passionate immersion.

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E – Week 7 Poetry

If the pen is mightier than the sword

Why do I feel so helpless?

But my words are not alone

I am fighting the words of others

The writs and laws of culture


“You’re worth it,” I whisper

As thousands of words of hate

And scorn, and jeer, and shame

Say just the opposite.


Culture is harsh to those

Who are different

Different isn’t pretty after all

It is scary to think

That society is nothing but illusions

There are always exceptions


But those on the fringe know better

Find themselves in small pockets of love

Build fortresses out of


Guard them with love and compassion

Seek out those who have no one else

And envelop them in love and care


Words are mighty. Mightier

Than we like to admit.

But how mighty

Against other words?


Ml – Week 7 Poetry

What will you talk about?

Ink spots on hands on pad

Blots, blotches, caught up now

Will you talk rings watches watch them

Watching you talking about

How you sell your soul out.

Will you look into the past and future

How you sail your soul out

Or be a hostage held to what they said


Sirens, sirens, please stay out my mind while im writing

Hectic thoughts all I see is blazes of fire and lightning

Stretched across a field of lost desire and writhing

Heat in my head my hand even in the pen that i’m scribing

With, anger danger and violence, these words are the livest

Talk about highs lows and whichever girl is the finest

Vanity stricken, if its about bullshit I bet you would listen

Rap ain’t the work you put in, its whatever car that you’re whippin

I want to write these lyrics right bare god as my witness

Picture perfect pictures painted with every depicted sentence

And in the end I end the stress in whatever chair that im sittin

Hear my heart and hear my mind and take a second to listen

Because its not all about vanity or materialism

It could be spirituality, internal decisions

Rap is about all that inside knowledge, experience, wisdom

All it takes is to hear yourself, dreaming, hoping, and wishing.


White-Walls Tale

I  walk beneath the halls of old
and in due time I felt as though
the world above was as below,
yet I could not see the truth be told
past all the gloom and all the mold.
She is a vision from a long time ago,
all fairy dust and sunset glow,
yet she is not worth her weight in gold.

She is goddess broken,
earthen vessel cracked and torn,
a ship wrecked upon the shore,
stone heart delicate and soft spoken,
her face and eyes well worn
her dreams diminish into folklore.

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Pil – As a Child

As I stand on the cusp of the forever

I look into the past and ask myself why.

Why trouble with the endless nights and the sleepless journeys.

Why see this through to the end when today is so simple

To the end of it all is where my path leads me.

So into the dark I travel

where the end is something of a mystery

and the beginning the final end of it all.

Into the dark I ride my faithful steed

Along roads well traveled

and those unknown

Into the dark

and bursting into the light

the light finds me slowly staggering into the unknown

along the path laid before me my feet do take me

up highways

down freeways

Into the light I do travel.

The end begins with those first steps

those innocent simple little movements

moving you into the future.

At that moment,

in the dark light of the now,

I am a child.

As a child, I take my first steps

towards those waiting arms of my Father.



Y – poem (our secret language)


are opening

as my mouth is circled around your nipple

and you gaze into me.


We have only just finished a long endeavor, as

together we surrender to the exhaustion,

as our bones turn to liquid our brains come in sync with the knowing that this moment,

This moment marks the very beginning of a new journey.


As the layers that make you up

open and allow me to move through,

the layers in around my eyes,

slowly prepare,

allowing me to open to the light:

Through your speaking layers.


First I remember the sounds you made,

Those primal ones that still shake my veins awake

still open my hearts gate

flooding me with adoration for your strength.


we were both swollen and exhausted

with joy,

our bones, cleaned of the experience

as our minds embraced and curled in around each others bodies.


That language

only we have ever spoken





P – Poetry Week 7 Frag . ments

Q: How do you write music, melody, poetry, without

Falling from my head to
my lap. Clattering from the
pockets of my
coat patched with
rainbows. Writing in
snips, strips – fabric cut from the
whole it was
woven into the
whole of the complete
weaving in fragments too I sit shattering into
the rubble of
De-con-struct-ion. The
questions now bubbling – thoughts
concrete, reality scattered in
metaphors. “Why can’t I
say exactly what I
mean?” The
ink that
flows so smoothly to the paper leaves
nonsensical squiggles that
form together in a
moment into
of mistakes which
stitch themselves together, if you
angle the
page just
The shreds back into
one even though the blueprints have not
even been dreamed into the
delicate life of reveries crashing
together in the reality of
one                  breath              .

push me into the
gasp by
the gaps
into the next spell of the


P-Poetry Week 6 Hearts and Hammers

Where is that delicate line that exists between creation of an art – music, drawing, writing – and romantic love? Does it exist at all?


Hearts and Hammers

Set me free

Chocolate mahogany.

I long for your ivory skin,

But all you ever give me

Are these useless fragments.

You say,

“Stitch them together,

I know they fit.”

But how do I stitch together sounds

With just my fingers?

And when I leave, to journey far,

What can I take with me?

Memories, just as invisible

As your echoes

And as the black marks I have left

On this page for you

In a moment of confusion.


But I keep coming back to you

And your familiar, smooth-flowing

And beautiful reveries of poetry.

I’ll always respond in fantasies and cycles of reveries.

I adore your beauty

And how you are filled

With joy ever time I want

To make love.

The way you sigh and moan

Beneath my fingers is all

The spark my ardor needs

For hours.

I know your sweet notes,

And know they are always there for me,

Except those rare, stubborn stuck moments

Which take my gentle hand to giggle the key.

I let my knowing hands smooth

Your willful ways until our voices

Can fly through stars again.

You’re always willing to listen

And even when I am unable to speak

You’ll sing my tired tears to sleep.


Dear one, I love you so.

Even though I’m leaving you soon,

I’ll think of you often,

I love to sing with you, dear Stella,

The way our voices resonate together.

As we lean close, never quite touching

Except through haunting melodies,

We dance through the air.

My love, I know we haven’t been together long,

And all I long for is hours by your side,

But I must leave soon.

My hands will be occupied

By holding the road

And squeezing the miles through my finger tips.

Sweet one, I know after my road reveries

I will be different. I will feel new

As my hands flow over your keys

~ how could I possibly stay the same?

After all, my feet will stir air in circles

As I fly through foreign fields,

And my hands will wield tools

Made to change the shape of the earth.

But I promise you this,

My fingers will occupy themselves

Each night with writing riddles

Of thoughts of you.

And my voice will be endlessly singing

To you – sending cycles of sound back to you,

In this home we’ve made together.


Endlessly yours, until the end of the road,

When my cycle brings me back to embrace your resonance,

~ Your Lover


P – Poetry Week 5 Silence – Void Substance – Voice

Void and Substance, Substance and Void, the Lotus and Spear, Phallus and Yoni.

Silence – Void                        

Vend ice soil

C violin seed

Vince soiled

Veiled coins

Dens cielo ~ V

Dive on slice

I loved Since

One Evil Disc

Silencio dev

Civil nosed-e

Elvis coined

Dec – I love sin

C vision leed

Slid eco-vine

Void – Silence                           .




Substance – Voice

Sit vs Ace Bounce

Stance vice cobu

Be vain scot cues

Sconce but as vine

Stone ov cube scab

Cone vue stab sic

Boast cues vice

Veins cue to cabs

Obtuse case Vince

Because not vics

Because scion TV

Cause cont vibes

C suit bone caves

Voice  – Substance

.                                   All these are anagrams that are sandwiched between the title lines


Join me In A Waltz

Join me in a waltz

In some Imperial hall

I’ll bow and you will curtsy

And we will dance, that’s all


The splender of this place

A page from a different age

The shimmer of the chandeliers

As the musicians take the stage


I’m so glad that you came

This world was made for you

You look so nice in velvet

White lace trimmed in blue


A glance thru an open window

The moon is shinning bright

enchanted by the sweet refrains

In the air tonight


The violins like nightingales

The cellos soft and low

The melody’s rise as above our eyes

A thousand candles glow


The moment hangs suspended

Time has lost it’s power

Tonight it’s only you and me

Dancing thru the hour


Ignore the other courtiers

Who linger in the hall

They hover all around you

But they cant dance at all


It’s all about the music

The melody so soft and pure

And for your gentle sadness

It’s the perfect cure


So join me in a waltz

A moment of light and grace

And lost in the music I shall see

A smile upon your face