Category Archives: poetry

Here is where you’ll categorize poetry posts during your field study. A minimum goal is one poem per week, 4 total, posted by Monday PM midnight. One of your four poems must be posted in a “Poetry Observed” video format ( The goal is to perform your poetry in situ—within the context of your passionate immersion.

Ml – Week 5 Poetry

Something i’m in the process of working on, a rough draft of sorts…

As Heaven Would Have It

Loveless unloving lover, body like Marilyn

With hair, air and bare skin

Eyes an ocean I would dare swim

If I even knew how to

Give up any and every taboo just to have you

You look just like infinity

behind your identity so much mystery

I want to uncover your undercover

I’m not your enemy

Don’t refrain from saying what’s in your brain

I want to get in that thing if you know what i’m saying

I see your love for cinematic action

You live an addict for seeing cause and effect happen

Well here you have it all signs and semantics

Maybe we’ll meet after life

Have some kind of attachment

Or that’s the plan

As heaven would have it




Ta – Week 5 Poetry

The Syzygy

A braided river runs through the secret garden of my mind.
Whose hand dost paint this river?
It’s banks, by which The Aeons come and go, are muddy and fertile.
This is the Art of Black Soil,
Black Earth.

From a pinpoint drop of her blood
(blood of water, blood of wine)
A wellspring flows unbridled.
Arcane knowledge explodes in all directions.

Arcanum – tomb of secret knowledge,
Whose whispering images speak paintings,
Stroke by stroke,
Upon my mind.

Here you will find Archangel Raphael and Azazel
(The Watcher who, bound hand and foot, was cast into darkness forever);
Mercury , son of Maia and Jupiter, reconciler of all opposites;
The Word Dreamer, Surrogate-Nurse of all things Material;
The Poet Ennoea, lost in reverie.

Ennoea beget Nous;
A Cosmic pair – Lovers, Siblings, Mother, Father.
The Syzygy (Ultimate Androgyne),
At once an infinitesimal dot and omnidirectional, infinitely vast plane
(through which my braided river runs)
Is both Source and Destiny.

Alas, this Divine Zygote has cut itself into pieces;
Nous – flawed, sick and insane,
Bit and clawed at the underbelly of her beloved twin.
Spit out like the poison from a wound,
She fell to Earth, to Black Soil;
The Logos – The Word,
The Immaterial Manifest.

o is for ocean

O – waterbodies

Our body is a temporary membrane, necessary to hold our waters.

Our body is a body of water that breathes in and out as a watery lung.
Liquid environment in, altered water out.

We consume water from leaf bodies, from root bodies, from animal bodies, from fruit, egg, seed, milk, fungi bodies and from groundwater bodies.

We give water back as thin layers of sweat spread across our skin, concentrated in places like
under the arms, under breasts, behind knees, between legs, across the brow, along the spine.

We breathe water from the wet caverns our our mouth and nose, from the spongy cave of our lungs.

We leak water from between our legs to show excitement and ecstasy before love, during love, after love; dewdrops, streams, oceans.

Our blood water blushes red as it passes by the alveoli of the lungs, rushes to a purple-blue in the capillaries before it rivers up against the thin skin of wrists, eyelids, the backs of knees, throats.

Water wells up against the water-orbs of our eyes with joy or with pain or at that inarticulate
moment of emotion.

Water cradles our organs as interstitial fluid in the translucent pockets around the lungs, the heart, below the diaphragm.

Water filters in the kidneys, through the loops of henle and glomerulus, flows in and across membranes, down tubes to swell in the bladder before one descent of many through this particular body to join another body of water.

Our body moves like water as the arching waves of the tongue, as peristalsis down the esophagus, as the twisting of the stomach, as the smooth-muscle glide through the intestines.

Our body moves like water in the rotating of sockets, the twist of spines, curve of bellies, roundness of skulls, fluid traced in air by motion.

Our body senses with water through lake-orb eyes, through water-spiral cochleas, through hot-film saliva, through neuronal cytoplasm.

Our body once knew the fluid press of seas against our ever-moist skin.

Our body gushes at the wetness of water on the shore.

Our minds gush at the memory.


Y – poem (volcano)








Lately, I am a volcano. I listen, I stand, patiently. Yet I am bubbling and boiling deep inside, waiting to be heard.




volcanic eruption

vaginal expulsion



of darkness?

of debris?

but what is debris but bits of substance left over, scattered?-

evidence that something has broken free, fragments of wreckage?

but today I value broken.

I find solace in letting loose something that no longer has a place,

I find acceptance of needing to break, to become anew.


I toil, holding onto the thread

the thread that weaves newness every time I have the chance – to swim in the earthliness of the dark.

I am careful to always pick it back up if within the darkness I lose hold.


I spew ravage, I spew chaos and fire and out of control feelings so I


build beauty back

up each time.


it is so refreshing to think of the volcano.  One must go deeper, past the depression, compression, to that lowest point where only the truest form of joy can be found, found among the firey depths of the volcano.

You must get to the deepest point of heat and darkness to know, to gain the momentum needed to explode out with full force

grab your thread on the way!

Once you have reached the highest point possible, the only way to go is out – so you expand, far more vast then you thought, and you make a mess of things, but this is good.

This reminds more then yourself – it reminds the other- of the trueness that comes from hitting the deepest point, of the “destruction” that comes after the most rumbling, rocking, deep point we’ve all, ever known.

You hit the bottom and flow back up, the mess is not the debris, the debris is the result of realness oozing out despite the aftermath, despite the “consequences”,  this is truth.  but only you know this.

Together we pick up the debris,

blooming beauty

and this is where community starts, in the cleaning of the spewed wreckage, handling the debris, weaving the destruction.  This is joy.

e - thumbnail

E – Week 5 Poetry

Transition looks like courage

(or stupidity, but aren’t

those often the same)

To people on the outside.

But is a drowning man courageous

For trying to swim?

It’s not the noble courage

That leads trans* people to survive

But humble desperation.

We live the way we do

Because it is either live

As we are

Or die

As we are not.

(which is admittedly ignoble,

but does that make the opposite noble?)

Our lives aren’t really tragedies,

Because they are ours.

This is the way we survive

Nothing glorious or courageous

About it really.



Wo poetry week 5 – Forming


Saw teeth cut wood grain

Apoptosis shaves away

Sculpting forms in space

Chisels peel and pierce

Ancient sculptures of flesh

Revealing (hidden) layers

Ghostly blueprints find

Themselves laid down onto wood

Hinting what will come

Moving from carelessness

To vigilance, we light up the world

Illuminating ghosts

Joinery shapes wood

Growing fractals like fingers


Birth of creation

Subtlety like nurturing

Delicacy of birth


What’s a person to do when the world is all black and blue

And not a whit of sense does it make

Wearing our hearts on our sleeves then complaining when they break

Or encasing them in ice and fiery flame

Then wondering why confusion and loneliness  reigns


If I could only love someone like you

Someone who’d take my heart and keep it true

Then we’d grow like a tree in the sun

complimentary  intertwining and shinning as one

If I could only love someone like you.


Like a moth to a flame I yearn for what is not mine

To lightning flashes of pain with those of a similar mind

We’re stars on collision course

We’ll make fireworks and we’ll die

we’ll suck each other dry like succubi

Till only empty shells remain


If I could only love someone like you…


What companions we’d be sitting by the sea

Rocking chairs on a porch by the sea [?]

Countless storms rushing in we’ll weather them combined

Flying fish and mermaids surround us as our bliss continues to climb

If I could only love someone like you…

Heart of Decay

These streets are narrow leading

me on to the gates of heaven or hell,

(It is what you make of it)

and decasia slips through

the floor boards, trickling onto

my toes and pouring into the

hole within my heart.


“Creee-eee-k”, the doors swing wide,

I stumble in the darkness feeling round

for the familiarity of wooden panel or



My senses refocus, and sihloets begin

to appear in the night only to be whisked

away from me by the harsh glare of

the flashlight coming to life for the

flicker of an instant, only to be snuffed

out like the flames it impersonates.

Drift on in this mildewed dream,

and try telling me that there is any

other way of being as natual

as the fall from grace, and the

return to nature.



For Brook

She’s like a cloud on a morning in may

Shifting her shape as she moves thru the day

Confronting the sun she holds back her tears

Till my shadow betrays me and she knows I am near

She’s like a whisp at the edge of the sky

She sighs as the heavy clouds push her on by

Ice to water vapor as molecules mobalise

Then that big hot sun starts sinking

and the cool of evening cuts her down to size

When the tears are all spent

We’ll sleep the night thru In love so warm we’ll wake as morning dew


Hey Mister Eliot How long have you been sitting on that library shelf

Just another dead white guy no longer relevent

Well some day I’ll be one too. Diferrence is you won the Nobel Prize for Literature

Something for me to shoot for next time around. All I’ve got to show for myself right now

Are several hundred song lyrics all done up in straight-jacket Rhythem and rhyme

But hey I’ve learned how to get the pencil moving and that’s got to count for something

If you have some time on your hands I’ve got a story to tell you and I’ll try to get beyond that

sing song stuff so that you will find it interesting